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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 19, 2012
I see the Photos app beta is out.

I've been holding off on a major clean-up of iPhoto, since I knew this new app would be replacing it and the feature set was unclear.

For people who are using this, does it look safe to rename photos, add keywords, attach "faces" and locations, etc., in iPhoto right now, in advance of the new app's official release — i.e., does all of the preceding info. transfer over to the new app, or have some of those features been changed or eliminated?

Thanks for all feedback.
Yes, as far as I've seen with my tests, all the features except Faces (I didn't set any however), was moved over to Photos, including location and tags.

However, after you moved the library over to Photos, and if you then open iPhoto, it will warn you that any additional changes you make will not be moved over to Photos:

Yes, as far as I've seen with my tests, all the features except Faces (I didn't set any however), was moved over to Photos, including location and tags.

However, after you moved the library over to Photos, and if you then open iPhoto, it will warn you that any additional changes you make will not be moved over to Photos:


Faces are still there, so I assume they are carried over as well, presumably as a smart album. This suggests that face recognition is still present and I doubt that Apple would discard existing data. Likewise, I think keywords, favourites, titles and location data are kept too, for the new search function and moments/collections view. Your albums are there too and I presume that your events will either be converted into moments/collections or albums.


However, I don’t think it’s a good idea to put a lot of time into iPhoto right now. Perhaps you will find that Photos does some things better and you would change it anyway. As you can see, the software does seem to
It's using ALL my ram, I have a Mac Pro with 64GB RAM and so far just opening photos with my Aperture Library loaded it's used up 22GB RAM so far and it's still creeping up - what a shame, I was so looking forward to this but, unusable.
Faces are still there, so I assume they are carried over as well, presumably as a smart album.

They didn't carry over so good for me, and I can't seem to pick a face to use unless photos presents it to you as a choice. It's kind of klunky, but the recognition seems pretty good of what it does present to you. To be honest, I don't like what I see so far. I'm sure many will though.
It's very basic, seems to be no multi monitor mode and way less editing options, it's pretty crazy really to ditch Aperture when they are replacing it with something far more basic but that's their direction now. The killer for me though is the crazy amount of RAM it's using, unless they can rework the way it eats RAM I can see myself only using it for uploading my current library to iCloud and then going back to either Aperture or buying Lightroom.
It's very basic, seems to be no multi monitor mode and way less editing options, it's pretty crazy really to ditch Aperture when they are replacing it with something far more basic but that's their direction now. The killer for me though is the crazy amount of RAM it's using, unless they can rework the way it eats RAM I can see myself only using it for uploading my current library to iCloud and then going back to either Aperture or buying Lightroom.

It's still in beta, so expect the RAM usage to drop when it's released. I also think they'll add more to it over time.
Faces in Photos apps is actually easier to use.

It shows 8 photos per page, circle out the face that recognised, very easy to pick up if there is any wrong recognition. And that 8 photos will allow the apps automatically recognise more faces in similar photos which don't need confirmation.

It seems the whole process will getting more and more automatic, but don't know the accuracy yet. So far I only process around 100 photos, the auto part is pretty good. No error yet.
It's using ALL my ram, I have a Mac Pro with 64GB RAM and so far just opening photos with my Aperture Library loaded it's used up 22GB RAM so far and it's still creeping up - what a shame, I was so looking forward to this but, unusable.

2 things:
According to some rough math, if you have 64 Gigs of RAM and loading up Photos app takes up 22 Gigs of RAM still leaves you with roughly 42 Gigs. I wouldn't say that it's "using ALL" your RAM. ;)

How does this problem make the app unusable? Let's not be over dramatic.
It's very basic, seems to be no multi monitor mode and way less editing options, it's pretty crazy really to ditch Aperture when they are replacing it with something far more basic but that's their direction now. The killer for me though is the crazy amount of RAM it's using, unless they can rework the way it eats RAM I can see myself only using it for uploading my current library to iCloud and then going back to either Aperture or buying Lightroom.

2 things:
According to some rough math, if you have 64 Gigs of RAM and loading up Photos app takes up 22 Gigs of RAM still leaves you with roughly 42 Gigs. I wouldn't say that it's "using ALL" your RAM. ;)

How does this problem make the app unusable? Let's not be over dramatic.

Isn’t the point of Mavericks/Yosemite to maximise the RAM usage and use compression and reallocation instead when needed? Not that the Photos application needs it, but I’m sure the system will happily use the available RAM to boost performance when no other application is using it.

Regarding Aperture versus Photos: did Apple ever claim that Aperture is going to be replaced by Photos? I don’t think so. The truth is, Aperture will be discontinued, hence why professional users are directed to Adobe’s Lightroom. I’m sure there is a niche of users that does not use Aperture to its potential and might be equally happy with a more powerful Photos, just as every iPhoto user will appreciate the optional extras.
It's using ALL my ram, I have a Mac Pro with 64GB RAM and so far just opening photos with my Aperture Library loaded it's used up 22GB RAM so far and it's still creeping up - what a shame, I was so looking forward to this but, unusable.

you don't understand how ram works do you
It's using ALL my ram, I have a Mac Pro with 64GB RAM and so far just opening photos with my Aperture Library loaded it's used up 22GB RAM so far and it's still creeping up - what a shame, I was so looking forward to this but, unusable.

Is it causing page outs/page ins? The old adage free ram is wasted ram.

I've not run into this issue when running both Photos and aperture on my rMBP. Let me rephrase the statement. I've not noticed my computer bogging down. I don't check my ram utilization that closely on my Mac because its never been a problem.
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