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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 26, 2020
Has anyone heard of rumors of an upcoming release of AirPort Express, Extreme, and Time Capsule by Apple?

The Eurasian Economic Commission's website published a notification on April 29, 2021 for a product release of Apple-branded Access Points for AirPort Express (Model A1392), AirPort Extreme (Model A1521), AirPort Time Capsule (Model A1470)
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macrumors 6502
Feb 28, 2020
I can’t read that site (it’s in Russian), but I don’t think Apple has ever brought back a product line they have killed off (unless you count MagSafe).


macrumors 601
Feb 15, 2008
It appears the listing expires in 5 years time. Stands to reason that a previous listing was made 5 years ago, which has recently expired.

The model numbers match previously-release products and Apple most definitely does not reuse those. Nothing to see here.
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macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2015
on the land line mr. smith.
Chances of Apple returning to wifi market: Slim to none.

Apple has consistently left markets once they can don't see a way to bring value and substantial difference/choice to customers. Airport fits this: Many years ago, wifi products were not user-friendly, and consumer choice was limited.

For more than 5 years this has no longer been the case. We all now have tons of choices, with everything from very low cost to premium products to choose from. If you want Apple-type design, UI, and overall quality, check out Amplifi gear. UBNT was founded by an Apple engineer, and it shows in their products.
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Staff member
Feb 21, 2012
New Jersey Pine Barrens
I don’t think Apple has ever brought back a product line they have killed off (unless you count MagSafe).

How about the MacBook? ;)

"The "non-Pro" MacBook line initially shipped from 2006 until 2012. It was re-introduced as an entirely new "one port" notebook with a "Retina" display and sold from 2015 until 2019."

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Nov 2, 2018
I can’t read that site (it’s in Russian), but I don’t think Apple has ever brought back a product line they have killed off (unless you count MagSafe).

They exited the display market and returned.

they killed the rack mounted mac and reintroduced one.

I’m not holding my breath for them to release new networking products but never say never.

Unless it’s about putting mayonnaise on pizza. Never do that.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 28, 2020
I didn't say Apple has never left a market segment and then returned. I said they have never brought back a product line they killed off. The new displays are a completely new line. Also, the MacBooks are all in the same family and there was never a time when they were just gone altogether.

The question specifically asked if Apple would resurrect the AirPort line, which I maintain is unlikely.

I guess it is still possible Apple could introduce an entirely new line of router products, but even that seems very unlikely to me.


macrumors member
May 19, 2008
I really wanted the return of Airport Express/Extreme. I don't trust any other router.

If Apple is serious about its Homekit eco system, they should at least implement the essential piece to get the system off the ground. But I also know it maybe a pipe dream.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 16, 2020
It’s interesting: Airport came out because WiFi was this mysterious technology that was being baked into iBooks (look ma, no wires!). Then everyone had WiFi in their homes.

Now I think there’s a need for a router appliance for a new sort of need: one that makes network wide privacy and parental controls available to the average consumer. Most people use their ISPs gateways which are really poor.
As for Apple getting into that realm these days, I don’t think so.


macrumors 68000
Jul 1, 2010
Apple has been exiting from anything to do with servers and networking over the last ten or more years. It is obvious as to why….

the increasing demand for cyber security is on the increase and it looks like Apple does not want to have the hassle of keeping direct internet related products secure like routers. They have enough to deal with security with iOS, macOS etc., including T2 clips etc. They are letting others have that liability and responsibility.

too bad…Apple airports and extremes were the best as far as setup and reliability. Many people would buy their new airports in an instant, but not worth the venture for Apple given the increase and demands coming as internet security becomes the big challenge in the years to come.


macrumors 68030
Jan 3, 2014
Silicon Valley, CA
Well there is a company made of the same x-employees that made Airport back in the day!

With the new M1 Macs you should get the Amplify Alien with Wi-Fi 6 you should get better speeds!
I used AmpliFi HD with 4 MeshPoints for several years. I was great until the latest major rev change. Then I could not get it to stay reliable with Apple equipment. Switched to Eero WiFi 6 Pro - set and forget.
But ALL Apple gear seems to have real issues with handoff that none of the other vendors have. Not sure why.
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