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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 6, 2004
Appleinsider reports:

"New Safari Browser

Within the next 9 months Apple will also introduce a major revision to Safari, reliable sources said. While this major revision is expected to sport a number of new features, a version of the browser with a completely rewritten javascript engine could appear even earlier. The new javascript engine is said to be 'extremely fast' and is currently in the latter stages of development."

Full text here:
keysersoze said:
Appleinsider reports:

"New Safari Browser

Within the next 9 months Apple will also introduce a major revision to Safari, reliable sources said. While this major revision is expected to sport a number of new features, a version of the browser with a completely rewritten javascript engine could appear even earlier. The new javascript engine is said to be 'extremely fast' and is currently in the latter stages of development."

Full text here:

With all the talk of major revisions and complete re-writing, do you still think its based on Konqueror? Anything that involves extremely fast sounds good to me.
PlaceofDis said:
i thought it would have something to do with 10.4 or "Tiger"

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if it's going to be part of the new operating system, and thus only for 10.4. Maybe Steve will even demo some new features at WWDC
I think they are a little late, but I will give it a try when and if it comes out. I am dowloading Mozilla right now. Safari is so s...l...o...w...
Dave Hyatt has already mentioned the upgrade to the JavaScript engine in his blog. He claimed that the speed increase was due to bug fixes, not a complete rewrite.

Edit: Here's the quote:

Yeah, no big deal. Maciej already crushed the JS bugs making that 24fun test slow. We're now faster on that test on my dual 2ghz g5 than WinIE is on the test on my brand new Athlon FX-53. We're insanely fast on it now, far and away the fastest browser. :)
Posted by hyatt at April 27, 2004 11:52 AM
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