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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 9, 2007
Just came out via iSpazio on Cydia last night. Copy / paste, seach in page, and a bunch of other stuff. Great little addition to Safari.
Go to No need to jailbreak or purchase/download application. ;)

The package referred to is actually a bit more than that. It installs the pastebud bookmarks but also tabulate, which is supposed to allow you to open safari windows in another tab, and find in page, which allows you to search for terms in a safari window.

I haven't installed it yet because it will delete all of your bookmarks and I haven't had time to sync before I do it, otherwise I would have commented on how well these functions actually work.

Edit: I decided to just go ahead and install it anyway, so here are the bookmarks you get:

iSpazio - iSpazio blog (good place to test out the translate feature)
Tabulate- Open tabs (I haven't figured this one out yet)
Pastebud - Copy and Paste (can you paste to the url bar?)
Find in this page - worked perfectly for me
Translate to english - Uses google to translate, no problems so far
Open in New Tab (Can't figure this one out either)
Images Search - Does a google image search from a pop up (instead of having to open a new page and going to
Search in Wikipedia - Same as the image search but instead searches for text on
iTransmogriphy! 2.0 - will play some embedded flash videos
Find similar sites - uses to find other sites similar to the one you are on
Dictionary - similar to the wiki and image search, but uses to define whatever word you are searching for
Display all images - removes everything but the images on the page you are on

All in all, pretty useful stuff. I just need to figure out the tab stuff now...
copy + paste or bust

somehow apple has got to get the memo,

Copy+Paste is the most missed feature out there.

I mean I want video also, but copy and past is a MUST!!!!
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