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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 23, 2011
Most people peck rather than swype. But Swiftkey now has a Swiftkey Flow. It's their version of swype. So I've decided to give it a try, and it seems very cool. Still getting used to it at the moment. So for those of you that love Swiftkey and also love swype keyboards, this should be your dream keyboard. You can currently only get it at Swiftkey's website.

Take a Look.
Been using this exclusively since i installed it. Man i have to say, it is very accurate and really the best Swype type keyboard i have used. Not to mention if you dont swype, it is also the Swiftkey platform you are using. Best of both worlds. This keyboard is just AWESOME! I love it!

And its only a beta? It has worked perfectly. I seriously cant get over how accurate it has been. I dont have to go back over words that i may have not swyped that good and it spelled something else like i do a lot using SlideIt or even the original Swype keyboard. It has been really good.

My new everyday keyboard :)
It's pretty cool, just waiting for them to fix voice recognition. Until then I'll just use Swype.
It's pretty cool, just waiting for them to fix voice recognition. Until then I'll just use Swype.

Tried the voice recognition part of it a few times. It worked well too. Just held down the microphone icon on the keyboard and it popped up the speak now mic....typed out everything i said with no mistakes.
Swype beta is only available directly from their website. New Swift Key Flow is good so far.

I was talking about the swyping feature of swiftkey flow not working when I'm typing a search into the Play Store.
Tried the voice recognition part of it a few times. It worked well too. Just held down the microphone icon on the keyboard and it popped up the speak now mic....typed out everything i said with no mistakes.

Must be a new update, whenever I hit the speaker button it just wouldn't work which was pretty weird.
You know what's pretty amazing about Flow? You can erase half a word and continue swiping and it won't think it's a new word. It'll finish the word you meant to correct to. That's very impressive.

So for example, I can swipe, "Hey how are you dong?" then erase the "ng" in "dong" and continue swiping "-ing" and it'll finish the word, "doing" for me.

I remember Swype not being able to do that and for sure stock Android Gesture typing doesn't do that either.


You know what's my main complaint of Swiftkey (& Flow, too)?

There's no dang dedicated "?" and "!" button. They force you to swipe the period button to access those symbols. Makes zero sense. It makes even less sense to put the comma button along with the "?!" symbols, making it that much harder to swipe to the "!" symbol. THere's already a comma button. Why is it in there with the "?!"?!

Sometimes, I don't swipe far enough or the keyboard just doesn't register the swipe fully through, and I put in a comma or a period instead of a question mark.

"Where are you going,"

It's a minor thing but it's so frustrating that the two most important symbols after the period symbol is hidden away and harder to get to than any of the other symbols on the keyboard that you can easily long-press to get to.

I've visited the Swiftkey forums. Many people want this changed too. I've added my comments and support to the Suggestions section of their website too. Please throw in your vote too if you want the same thing:
Seriously, after getting so used to swiftkeys autocorrection, prediction, androids suggestion bar, swiftkeys new flow typing, typing on iOS is utterly unbearable!

It's horrendous. And it's not just with typing either (I cannot believe how many letters and sometimes words it's able to miss! These unregistered letters lead to ridiculous auto corrections!), but getting to the secondary symbols, the editing tools, everything. It takes forever to type anything remotely serious out.

If anyone's curios why I'm discussing this all of a sudden it's because I was stuck working on my ipad for a little bit tonight and it involved typing a lot.

Just terrible. My god...
Swiftkey Flow is just awesome. Yeah the ? could be on the same keyboard but i dont mind so much. It predicts the words so good. Much better than any Swype keyboard ive used....which includes Swype and SlideIt. SlideIt is actually $4.99(then anyways) but i got it for .10 cents when they had that sale.

And,.......i HATED typing on my iPhone. For me it was very frustrating. Cant believe they havent done anything with that keyboard or there are alternatives.

Been messing with a iPad Mini a lot lately. My Daughter just got one. I have to get used to using iOS again but wow....i hate that it dont have a back button. I had to figure out how to get out of apps i was looking at. Double tap, hit the done button and the buttons are always in a different place on the screen....why not just a back button?
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I refuse to believe apples top people who use the iPhone and iPad keyboard on probably a daily basis haven't experienced issues with the iOS keyboard.

Why have they not upgraded it? Mother of god...
Swiftkey Flow is nice but I keep going back to Swype. Command gestures is just amazing. If Swiftkey had the option to copy cut and paste from your keyboard then I'd be all for it, but until then back to Swype.
Flow just for updated. Not entirely there yet but so much better now. Great bug fixes. I just flowed this message in seconds. And with one hand too. Eat that, one handed use lovers.
This is more accurate than the regular default Swype keyboard on my GS3. Very impressed. I know it's still beta, but I've noticed swiping doesn't work in both my default browser and Firefox address bar. Seems to work everywhere else I tried, like posting in forums and in other apps.

EDIT: also doesn't work in play store search. Seems to not work in any search and address bar like inputs. Same with Evernote, swiping is not a problem when creating notes, but doesn't work in the search bar.
Typing on the iPad is becoming increasingly laboring. I so want to swipe on the large screen.

I would think that swyping on a 10 inch screen would require more hand movement than having both hands above the keyboard ready to type like it is a real keyboard. At least in landscape.
I would think that swyping on a 10 inch screen would require more hand movement than having both hands above the keyboard ready to type like it is a real keyboard. At least in landscape.

Agreed, also, if you're finding typing on an iPad hard work compared to using Swype, how are you coping with a normal PC keyboard and the inability to use Swype there?
Agreed, also, if you're finding typing on an iPad hard work compared to using Swype, how are you coping with a normal PC keyboard and the inability to use Swype there?

iOS keyboard vs PC keyboard? Vastly different. Not even a comparison. Not a comparison of any tablet/smartphone keyboard.

I would think that swyping on a 10 inch screen would require more hand movement than having both hands above the keyboard ready to type like it is a real keyboard. At least in landscape.

Would be nice to have either option, wouldn't you agree? :)
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