Hello! I am enjoying learning to use my new imac, and just got DSL with Verizon. We did the installation bit ok, but my first trouble came with account set up/account activation. The message told me I did not have administrative rights and cannot install this application. Okay...so I called Verizon tech help and they got me connected. They trouble-shooted and helped me configure things so the westell modem and my mac worked on the internet. (I am new to both mac and DSL). My connection to the internet and server failed after a few hours...I am not sure why...I just know 1 minute I could browse w/Safari and the next, no connection. After my 2nd walkthru w/Verizon tech help, I did configure some new network settings, and had to reset some network password. I am the admin/user, and I saved the config. he walked me thru, but never "locked to prevent changes fom other users from making changes" option. I surfed happily last night, then this morning again until I switched to another user and got a message "internet Connect: authentication failed" and I did the network diagnostics to find: Not connected to the Ethernet. Another message had said "Network change detected" which leads me to believe I changed a password or configuration somewhere. I am clueless, but the new tech help guy had me reconfigure under network again, and the settings were not what I had from the tech help the night before. I had to change it from something (I forget) back to DHCP, and the IP address and router were reset to the same as before. I am wondering really, what should I stay the h@## out of and away from, if it is ME fiddling around and screwing up my ethernet connection??? I am afraid when I finish this online session, it may happen again and these Verizon techs are flagging my account as "IDIOT". I only fiddled AFTER my connections were lost, but I left the system/network prefs alone. I stupidly tried to open the bookmarks in safari for the IP addresses, and probably DID change a password to try to make it work. I can't remember all of it. Maybe...just maybe I didn't quit and save properly? God....I'm such a noob, here. Anyone have similar troubles? I saw one thread that sounded just like my problems..."Remotely diagnosing a mac mini's failure to connect", but there was no follow up. Maybe it's just Verizon (ARRRRGGHHH!!!!!) Sorry for my long posts... Peevies