miked125 said:
I am contemplating about buying a powerbook but I don't know very much about macs, can I install pc programs on a Mac? I like to watch divx clips/movies and other formats like that can macs play them? what else should I know before buying a PowerBook?
You'll find that most of the things you do on your p/c have a like or better version for Mac and tons of extras are available at VersionTracker.
If you have any licensed versions of Adobe or Macromedia, they will
send you Mac versions for the cost of shipping.
If you are heavily invested in P/C software or Games, the best solution is to back up anything important on your p/c and then run a clean install.
Forget the patches, anti-virus and anti spyware stuff and just retire
your current machine for offline gaming and general office work.
Then all your new work and online work is done on your Mac
without all the hassle.
I know lots of people doing this now and most of them barely use their P/C
for anything but games now.
Once you transfer all your important files over to your Mac, most people
barely ever touch their p/c/ again.