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Goofy Yno

macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 24, 2009
I've joined the mac family. I just bought an Imac 24" 3.06ghz/4gb/1TB hd, and a macbook for my wife. I also have mobile me and a wireless network with airport/time capsule, and a HP all in one wireless printer/fax/scanner. (I was a salesman's dream, but it is on the office:eek:)

anyway, I'm set up and running, but have hit a few snags.
1) My pictures on the PC are in folders. I have a lot and would rather not download to disc first. Is there any way to upload the whole file to mobile me, so I can get it on the I mac?
2) we have 3 i pods (2 nanos, one shuffle), I'd like to move the main files to the I mac. I have been able to copy both nanos to i tunes (but not the shuffle). They list in a separate folder, I can play it, but not move it, put it in groups, or get it into i movie. Help?
I've joined the mac family. I just bought an Imac 24" 3.06ghz/4gb/1TB hd, and a macbook for my wife. I also have mobile me and a wireless network with airport/time capsule, and a HP all in one wireless printer/fax/scanner. (I was a salesman's dream, but it is on the office:eek:)

anyway, I'm set up and running, but have hit a few snags.
1) My pictures on the PC are in folders. I have a lot and would rather not download to disc first. Is there any way to upload the whole file to mobile me, so I can get it on the I mac?
2) we have 3 i pods (2 nanos, one shuffle), I'd like to move the main files to the I mac. I have been able to copy both nanos to i tunes (but not the shuffle). They list in a separate folder, I can play it, but not move it, put it in groups, or get it into i movie. Help?

I don't know about mobile me as I do not use it, but had it been me I would have used an external hard drive for music, itunes, pics, so if in the future you decide to get a new Mac you won't face this issue, plus it keeps your internal hard drive free. You can tell iTunes where to store any downloaded music, mine goes right to the external.

I know you have a 1TB internal which is huge, but if for some reason it crashes or takes an electrical hit you just lost everything, it is always a good idea to get an external and keep the files on it and not the internal.

I would also get a UPS battery backup if you have not yet.
I've joined the mac family. I just bought an Imac 24" 3.06ghz/4gb/1TB hd, and a macbook for my wife. I also have mobile me and a wireless network with airport/time capsule, and a HP all in one wireless printer/fax/scanner. (I was a salesman's dream, but it is on the office:eek:)

anyway, I'm set up and running, but have hit a few snags.
1) My pictures on the PC are in folders. I have a lot and would rather not download to disc first. Is there any way to upload the whole file to mobile me, so I can get it on the I mac?
2) we have 3 i pods (2 nanos, one shuffle), I'd like to move the main files to the I mac. I have been able to copy both nanos to i tunes (but not the shuffle). They list in a separate folder, I can play it, but not move it, put it in groups, or get it into i movie. Help?

Welcome to the Mac fold.

1) By all means upload your photo's to your iDisk / Mobile Me. I believe there is a max of 15GB on iDisk now (at least that is what mine shows I don't know maybe you can buy more space these days) so as long as your photo's don't exceed available iDisk space it should be no sweat. *Edit* Forgot to add all you need to do is browse to your mobile me account/iDisk from the PC that has your photo's and click on "upload a file or files" in your iDisk and browse to your pic's folder.

2) Kind of confused on this one please explain in more detail as to what your issue is and what you are trying to accomplish and I'll do my best to reply with some helpful input. You can plug in your nano's fine and they are seen in iTunes but your shuffle is not?

Also want to chime in on what the poster above me mentioned. Unless you have a ton of music/video/photo's that will eat heavily from the get go into your new 1 TB internal drive, I would ask why bother with an external HDD? You got an iMac so you probably don't like the clutter of hardware all over and the fact is you already have an external HDD more or less in your time capsule. As long as things are backing up properly put that internal Western Digital Caviar Black beast through it's paces. That's the reason they give you so much internal storage now in iMacs - so you can use it!
You have a time capsule- (not sure how big) but you can use that as an external drive to move things between the two computers. iDisk woudl take a while, but could be done too like rec. above.
Welcome to the Mac fold.

1) By all means upload your photo's to your iDisk / Mobile Me. I believe there is a max of 15GB on iDisk now (at least that is what mine shows I don't know maybe you can buy more space these days) so as long as your photo's don't exceed available iDisk space it should be no sweat. *Edit* Forgot to add all you need to do is browse to your mobile me account/iDisk from the PC that has your photo's and click on "upload a file or files" in your iDisk and browse to your pic's folder.

2) Kind of confused on this one please explain in more detail as to what your issue is and what you are trying to accomplish and I'll do my best to reply with some helpful input. You can plug in your nano's fine and they are seen in iTunes but your shuffle is not?

Also want to chime in on what the poster above me mentioned. Unless you have a ton of music/video/photo's that will eat heavily from the get go into your new 1 TB internal drive, I would ask why bother with an external HDD? You got an iMac so you probably don't like the clutter of hardware all over and the fact is you already have an external HDD more or less in your time capsule. As long as things are backing up properly put that internal Western Digital Caviar Black beast through it's paces. That's the reason they give you so much internal storage now in iMacs - so you can use it!

Sorry my fault, I didn't see the mention of time capsule, so yeah no need for another external HD. But I still would back up my files on an external even if I had a 1TB internal, I learned my lesson a long time ago to not fully trust an internal, all it takes is one lightning hit, a power surge and you are done.

With the external you can unplug it when not in use, not that you can't unplug your iMac either.
Sorry my fault, I didn't see the mention of time capsule, so yeah no need for another external HD. But I still would back up my files on an external even if I had a 1TB internal, I learned my lesson a long time ago to not fully trust an internal, all it takes is one lightning hit, a power surge and you are done.

With the external you can unplug it when not in use, not that you can't unplug your iMac either.

I agree- and to add to that- backup everything on DVD and keep it at another location- work, home, safe deposit. Then if a fire happened your files would be protected at the since the last DVD backup. Wouldn't be perfect, but wouldn't hurt.
Welcome to the Mac fold.

1) By all means upload your photo's to your iDisk / Mobile Me. I believe there is a max of 15GB on iDisk now (at least that is what mine shows I don't know maybe you can buy more space these days) so as long as your photo's don't exceed available iDisk space it should be no sweat. *Edit* Forgot to add all you need to do is browse to your mobile me account/iDisk from the PC that has your photo's and click on "upload a file or files" in your iDisk and browse to your pic's folder.

Actually with MobileMe you get 20GB total. I bet you have 5 GB set aside for Email and this leaves 15GB for iDisk. I set my Email to 1 GB and have 19 GB for iDisk.

OP -

Use your 1 TB internal for all your files if you like, but get an external 1 TB drive and use it for TIME MACHINE backups.

My iMac only has 320 GB so my iTunes and Pictures library reside on an external 1 TB HDD, I have a 1.5 TB HDD for my Time Machine Backup drive.

The time capsule is 500 GB and backs up automatically as I understand it. I bought the mobileme the week before with the macbook- more as a transfer vehicle. (and not knowing I get the time capsule). I am hoping that will be enough.

I figured out how to tranfer my pictures- I had to open the folder it was in, highlight all the pictures, and up load. Each pic is about 3 mg, it is taking forever, but I can let it run all night.

as for the I tunes issue- I think I figured it out also- It was listed as a device but the songs were not in my library. I manual managed them, and then I could down load them into my library. I lost my groupings, but no bigie.:p
Is there any reason for unreadable files if I uploaded picture files from pc to mobilme than back down to imac?
Is there any reason for unreadable files if I uploaded picture files from pc to mobilme than back down to imac?

If they are jpeg going up they should be jpeg coming back, but if mobile me somehow alters the format then that could be an issue, I don't see why the format would be altered though.
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