Hi All
like i say in the title i am reletively new to Macs, and have never tried my hand at programming, but am willing to try!
Basically, i am a keen photographer and would love to try time lapse photography, which canon have decided to leave off the tricks that my 5D mkII can do.
I am now wondering if using the canon software i have already for remote shooting (for those who are not aware of this software, it basically turns the laptop into a viewing monitor for the camera and allows manual controls and remote firing of the shutter from the laptop.) so as you can see from the canon software it is possible to take a photo remotely so do not need to go in depth with any control software for the the camera itself. I just wanted to write a simple programme that will fire the mouse of the laptop (if i leave it hovering over the shutter release button!) and can change the timing of the firing?
To me it sounds like it is a easy thing to do, but as i say i don't know a great deal about it at all!
In summary, i would want a programme that can have a few perameters set such as time span(either a amount of time or a number of acctuations) and frequency (shots per second), is this possible and if so could someone tell me which is the best programme to write it in, or better still can someone build it and i can send you some virtual beer!!!!!
Thanks in advance for your replies
like i say in the title i am reletively new to Macs, and have never tried my hand at programming, but am willing to try!
Basically, i am a keen photographer and would love to try time lapse photography, which canon have decided to leave off the tricks that my 5D mkII can do.
I am now wondering if using the canon software i have already for remote shooting (for those who are not aware of this software, it basically turns the laptop into a viewing monitor for the camera and allows manual controls and remote firing of the shutter from the laptop.) so as you can see from the canon software it is possible to take a photo remotely so do not need to go in depth with any control software for the the camera itself. I just wanted to write a simple programme that will fire the mouse of the laptop (if i leave it hovering over the shutter release button!) and can change the timing of the firing?
To me it sounds like it is a easy thing to do, but as i say i don't know a great deal about it at all!
In summary, i would want a programme that can have a few perameters set such as time span(either a amount of time or a number of acctuations) and frequency (shots per second), is this possible and if so could someone tell me which is the best programme to write it in, or better still can someone build it and i can send you some virtual beer!!!!!
Thanks in advance for your replies