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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
Hi, I looked for a thread on posting random photos from critiquing, but didn't see one, so if this is a useless thread, I apoligize. I just got into photography. I don't have any formal training or plan on taking any for a couple semesters, so all I know about it is from online and just going out and taking shots. I went on my first real shoot this weekend, to some charity even in a mall here in Shanghai, and snapped over 350 photos. Here are my favorite ones from the collection. Any advice or tips on how to better improve my technique would be VERY appreciated. Thanks!

Link to my flickr photos:


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
Overall, I think they are decent photos! They are mainly documentary and sports but some artistic.

My favorites are
  • 112: simple, nice hard side light, great moment with the girls facial expression
  • 196: simple, color compliments, warm light, good crop
As for some advice: try to keep it simple, most of the images are cluttered and show to much. Think about what you want to show and then capture it is such a fashion that the center of attention and focus lead immediately to it. Work with point of view, depth of field, color and lighting, composition etc to tell a story.

I highly recommend they have a daily picture critque, where they talk about this kind of stuff with examples in a videocast. Check it out!


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2003
Good start. Keep shooting. Somethings that will help are to keep taking photos o help define your style. Look at tons of photos that you like and see what makes them work. Keep it up!!

The Past

macrumors 6502
Aug 17, 2004
United States
I agree with Mydriasis that you may want to consider reducing the noise in your pictures (too much happening). Once you start shooting pictures you are happy with regard to how you framed the shot, then you could move on to tweaking other aspects such as lighting, exposure, etc.

Good luck!


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
Thanks guys. I should clarify that I work as a writer for a magazine so my photography probably won't stem towards the artistic kind in nature, but more journalistic. On the too busy comments, it's very hard getting a simple and non busy shot in China! :D
Thanks again

The Past

macrumors 6502
Aug 17, 2004
United States
On the too busy comments, it's very hard getting a simple and non busy shot in China! :D
Thanks again

Very true, one way to handle it will be to play with aperture. I have had much luck canceling noise this way. Of course, there is no rush. Take your time and enjoy clicking!


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
Thanks for the tip. Right now my biggest frustration is with taking sports shots. Out of the over 350 photos I took, most of them were of the skaters, and I only liked a few, the others were really blah. :rolleyes: What camera settings do you recommend to get cool action shots? A lot of the coolest sports shots I've seen online sort of had the background and blurry and the athlete completely in focus. How would I go about getting shots like this? Here’s an example, a friends photo:


Thanks again.


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
Its called panning. It a technique where one follows a moving object with the camera while remaining in the same position. Thus, the moving object will be in focus and the background have a motion blur.

This is one on the techniques to direct a viewers focus of attention to the main subject, i.e. keeping it simple.

Another one you could use is depth of field. Get a telephoto lens, close the aperture and take the shots. Here you get a similar effect where only the short distance of the main subject is in focus. The for and background are blurred. But its a different blur, softer and with no implied motion.

Then there are also special lens with a selective focus such as lensbabies.

Or you could do a slap zoom. Here your zooming in or out while taking the picture. This gives you a streaked radial blur.



macrumors 6502
Sep 6, 2005
Bath, UK
I particularly like 196 it has lovely warm lighting.

With regards to panning, you can do it in post production (tutorial). Though in my opinion the best results are obtained whilst you are taking the shot

Here is a tutorial on panning on animal shots, though the techniques car's, bikes, anything else will be virtually the same.

It just takes practice, though it is easier (in my opinon) if you use a tripod or monopod to begin with.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
Which do you guys consider the better photo? I've been playing around with different settings. I can post the exif data too if you'd like:



macrumors 6502
May 16, 2007
Which do you guys consider the better photo? I've been playing around with different settings. I can post the exif data too if you'd like:


I really like both pics, the bottom one wins out though, the cool feel works better for the background and focuses more on the front building. even though the top image gives that metropolitan feel a real concrete jungle, For me I'd go for the subtle one. works great in any room/space!

Keep shooting, photos. places,people,things, your skill will get better with time, it's how I did it.

Now I can't wait to take a second semester of photgraphy.

ALSO, archive all your images, u never know when they might come in handy!!!



macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
Yea I like the colors in the blue one as well, but I really dig the old school communist feel of the orange one, especially since its a soviet building juxtaposed with a banner reading "Millionaire Fair"...something I wish I had emphasized more when I took the shot :D


macrumors regular
Apr 15, 2007
u have some good ones, but i dont get some of the car ones, and the dark shots need to either be brightened or given a mood effect,,,


macrumors 65816
Dec 2, 2006
kidnapped by aliens
I like the one in the kitchen with the red girl. I see lots of pictures every day but that is one that sticks to the eye. A little bit more contrast and sharpening is the only thing I should add,


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
The previous photos were all taken with a "near-SLR" (that's what my photography friend calls them). The other day, I got to take out a digital SLR Canon XT Rebel to have fun with. My first time ever using one. Here are the photos:








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