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Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Jan 19, 2003
London, England
Hi all, I've finally invested in a proper camera after years of pootling around with snap-happy point and shooters, I got a Nikon D40x, and I have to say I think it's bloody amazing!

I'm not going to be doing anything clever or difficult, but I think this camera actually makes you think more about your shots.

So far only used in auto modes, but am going to be hanging out with the guys in the Photography Dept for hints and tips....!

The image quality from even casual shooting is very good, and the ease of use is impressive.

I finally see why photographers make a fuss about cameras, after years of making a fuss about hi-end audio kit that no-one else appreciates..!

I'll post some pics when I get anything worth looking at.


macrumors 68000
Jan 18, 2005
Cool - glad you're enjoying it. I'm an SLR user of long standing, but bought a D50 a while back and am loving it.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
The enjoyment just increases (at least that's what i've found, having bought a D200 a year ago... after many years of film photography). I shoot more pix these days... and not merely because I don't have to buy rolls of film any more.

You say you don't want to do anything "difficult" or "clever"... but letting your camera make all the exposure decisions for you is kinda like having training wheels on a bike. It's fun to try to capture something special... and it doesn't cost any more than just doing lots of so-so shots. Anyway, you sound like you're having fun already...


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
The image quality from even casual shooting is very good, and the ease of use is impressive.

I finally see why photographers make a fuss about cameras, after years of making a fuss about hi-end audio kit that no-one else appreciates..!

If you haven't actually gotten any prints at say 8x10 yet, do it- you'll be more amazed than looking at the pictures on a low-resolution screen.


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Jan 19, 2003
London, England
You say you don't want to do anything "difficult" or "clever"... but letting your camera make all the exposure decisions for you is kinda like having training wheels on a bike. It's fun to try to capture something special... and it doesn't cost any more than just doing lots of so-so shots. Anyway, you sound like you're having fun already...

yeah I understand that, but I need to try to understand the terminology and the effect that has on a picture, been a strictly point and shoot merchant till now.

I'm sure I'll get into the minutia of it soon enough.


macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2006
Southern California
Try the different mod settings on the camera. Let it decide on one thing for you, like aperture, you do the rest.

Then keep switching. Finally shoot manual.

I taught someone the basics like this and it worked out well for him. Don't shoot auto unless you need a decent shot and don't know what you're doing. Even someone with limited knowledge can get better shots than the auto setting. (though I use my auto setting when I need a shot NOW and don't have time to change any settings)
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