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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 5, 2009
I just ordered my first Apple since I had a Apple GS in 1986. I want to thank everyone on this site--I have been reading your forum since January when I started to consider ordereing an iMac. I finally ordered last week when the new upgrade came out and should get it on Wednesday. I am sure I will have a lot of questions as I start using the new system but the first one today is: do I need to get an anti-virus softward or does that come with the iMac. And what software do you recommend? (I have already received Office for Mac and just waiting for the machine to install it). Thanks again for all the information I have read over the last couple of months (I am now a new member of the forum)
Welcome - good people around here indeed.

It is often difficult for long time Windows users to feel safe (at first) coming into the Mac world and hearing "you don't need anti virus sw on a Mac". Although most really don't need any 3rd party av program on OSX, some people just feel better or have other specific reasons to use it on their Mac's.

If you think you might be one of those people, just Google around a bit and you'll find many of the bigger better known anti virus company's like Symantec (Norton) and McAfee do in fact offer Mac versions of their products. Congratulations on buying your first Mac! * edit well your first "lately" Mac :) *
k, seriously? Are you actually arguing that we DO need virus protection because software downloaded from shady websites might have malware built into it? Really? That would seem to be a wetware problem to me, not a software problem.

I wasn't exactly trying to argue that Macs DO need antivirus, but from your original post it looked like you were implying that Macs are "immune" to viruses.
I wasn't exactly trying to argue that Macs DO need antivirus, but from your original post it looked like you were implying that Macs are "immune" to viruses.

A virus is not a trojan. Macs are not "immune" to viruses in the sense that all day viruses are bouncing off of macs (unless you count Windows ones), but it's simply because none have been written for OS X.
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