Hi there, i've been looking to buy an apple computer for quite some time now; first i had my eyes on the ibook, but then when the new macbook rumors started i decided to wait until it was released.
Now the macbook is out and it is cute/functional but the graphics card is a bit lacking for my needs (please don't tell me to go to the mbp, the macbook pro is too expensive for me) so i've i had an idea when i was wandering through a store that had macs today.
What about the imac? I'm a heavy gamer, but my desktop is severely lacking: P4 2.6, 512 ddr and a GF FX5200 just to mention the basic crappyness -.-
I know that i should go for a windows platform, but apple computers are sexy as all hell, and i really want to experience OSX. I really wanted a laptop, but it's kind of irrational to buy a laptop, and stick with the crappy desktop that i have (and quite noisy too i might add).
So my question (after this long and perhaps confusing rant) is: how well does the imac fare? I've already read a couple of reviews, but there's nothing like hearing about the performance from fellow users instead of benchmarking whores reviews :O
Now the macbook is out and it is cute/functional but the graphics card is a bit lacking for my needs (please don't tell me to go to the mbp, the macbook pro is too expensive for me) so i've i had an idea when i was wandering through a store that had macs today.
What about the imac? I'm a heavy gamer, but my desktop is severely lacking: P4 2.6, 512 ddr and a GF FX5200 just to mention the basic crappyness -.-
I know that i should go for a windows platform, but apple computers are sexy as all hell, and i really want to experience OSX. I really wanted a laptop, but it's kind of irrational to buy a laptop, and stick with the crappy desktop that i have (and quite noisy too i might add).
So my question (after this long and perhaps confusing rant) is: how well does the imac fare? I've already read a couple of reviews, but there's nothing like hearing about the performance from fellow users instead of benchmarking whores reviews :O