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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
I splurged. One only battery grip for the 20D; one only flash (the 580 EX); and the 100-400mm zoom that I've been lusting after for a long time now.

I had a quick play with the 100-400mm; two shots that I think were worth keeping (even if the exposure on one of them was a little bit out).

This one was a pretty decent shot:

And this one, although a little underexposed, is still a damn fine shot in my opinion; I really must get hold of Aperture or equivalent and see if I can rescue it:

(NB: Taken in Adobe RGB, so the colours may be out on some displays.)


macrumors 68000
Apr 2, 2006
wow, pretty bird.

all the birds around here are some shade of brown, grey, or black. :eek:


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
Rainbow Lorikeet - very common bird around Australia. We have some really pretty birds here, lots of parrots and lorikeets and rosellas and cockatoos.


macrumors 65816
Feb 12, 2006
Wow, I've never seen a bird like that! Nice capture with the feeding too!:)

I'm jealous. My everest are birds and chipmunks.... Someday....


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
iGary said:
See if you can get a Better Beamer for your 580 in Oz:
Ooh! Shiny! Thanks for the tip; that one just jumped the queue of "gear to buy". :D

And yes, as has been stated already, the bird I captured is extremely common in Australia. The tree is a flowering gum, which is a favourite of all sorts of lorikeets and rosellas. It's amazing; the birds camouflage incredibly well in those trees - you have to have a good eye, and a lot of patience, to catch them in a tree with a lot of foliage. I'm lucky: there's one slap bang next door to me, and I've managed to catch a few birds filling a large part of the frame (not as much as I'd like, but still a fair size) using just the 17-85.

The feed is the main reason why I liked the second shot, and why I'm going to try to rescue the exposure. If I can get a similar shot with a good fill flash, though, I probably won't bother. I'm definitely going to have fun with this gear.
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