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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 26, 2009
Hey guys, I'm a new member here on the forum.

I'm also a PC user who's planning to switch to Mac REALLY soon (in a couple of weeks) with a purchase of the 24-inch : 2.93GHz iMac.

I've seen a couple of threads regarding the ATI Radeon HD 4850 graphic card's freezing problems and whatnot; also those considering either that or the NVIDIA GeForce GT 130. I think that I would totally go for the extra cost to get better and faster performance, and that is no question.

I just wanted to know if Apple's latest fixes have already resolved the issue of the freezing on the ATI Radeon graphic card. I just couldn't find the thread about that particular discussion (if there was one?).

So if any of you have purchased and are using the latest 24" iMac with the ATI Radeon HD 4850 graphic card, please let me know if you still have freezing problems and if the fix helped at all?


I also want to know (in case the downloaded fix DID help) if future iMacs will already have those updates installed = no more problems?

Thank you =]
First of all, congrats on the soon to be switch...As for the card, my computer froze about 5 or 6 times in the month and a half that I had it, which didn't seem like as much as others, but still enough for me. As soon as the update came out I have had zero problems with freezes.(Which is why you probl can't find anything on here anymore) Zero problems at all. I'd say go for the ATI because when I bought my first Mac, a Powerbook G4 in 03, there were things I didn't get that I later wished I had. The screen itself is amazing on this and playing the Sims 3 is fun too. Best of luck with your switch.
First of all, congrats on the soon to be switch...As for the card, my computer froze about 5 or 6 times in the month and a half that I had it, which didn't seem like as much as others, but still enough for me. As soon as the update came out I have had zero problems with freezes.(Which is why you probl can't find anything on here anymore) Zero problems at all. I'd say go for the ATI because when I bought my first Mac, a Powerbook G4 in 03, there were things I didn't get that I later wished I had. The screen itself is amazing on this and playing the Sims 3 is fun too. Best of luck with your switch.

Wow thanks so much for your response =]
I'm glad to hear directly from someone who had problems AND got it fixed!
That is very good news and I'm glad you won't have to face the headaches again.
I know what you mean by wishing you had made the bigger choice, which is why I wanted to get to the bottom of things instead of really missing out like I would have if I hadn't asked =o
And wow you're a Sims 3 fan as well?? I am as well (play on current laptop)! and will DEFINITELY be playing it once I get the iMac =]

Thanks again!

Others' comments would still be appreciated
I received my iMac 3.06GHz / 4850-equipped system on April 10th. It has never frozen (before or after the firmware upgrade, which was released in May sometime). On this forum, the reports of 4850 freezes plummeted to essentially zero after the firmware update had been released and members had installed it.

As to whether or not an iMac ordered today would have that firmware patch pre-installed, I don't honestly know. A machine sitting on a retailer's shelf might not (if it had been in stock for a month or more). A machine ordered from the Apple web store would probably come with the update pre-installed, I would guess by now.
Got my 2.93 4850 iMac a couple of months ago. Never a freeze. This is a great computer that is rock solid under both OS X and Windows 7.
I've had my iMac for a little over a month. Only time it froze was when I was playing around with the iTunes screensaver settings. I set it to have a lot of boxes, and when I clicked preview, it froze. All I had to do was restart the system, and that was it. Then another time the system had a thing with its fans spinning too fast after I was doing some work in Windows. I turned it off, unplugged the power for 15 seconds, and then plugged it back in. Otherwise the system worked fine.

The ATI freezing problem was fixed about a week before I purchased my system, and mine came with the update installed.

Overall the thing is fast for what's advertised.
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