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macrumors member
Original poster
May 6, 2005
I just got a new PB15". I am trying to listen to news stories off of NPR. I have realplayer configured to play these feeds, but QT7 'insists' on grabbing the .smil files which it is then incapable of playing.

In the QT7 MIME preferences I have the box for Misc filetypes (which contains .smil) unchecked but this doesn't stop QT7 from trying to play the feeds.

Does anyone know how to eliminate this behaviour?
I believe that when you play those feeds, it puts a temporary file on your desktop. If so, click ONCE on it to select it, then go to File (must be in Finder) and then to Get Info. A window should pop up and give various information about that particular file. Down below that should be something that says, open with, with an arrow to the left of that. Click on the arrow and a pull down menu appears. Click on the pull down menu and select which application you want to open that file up with. In your case, select Real Player. Next click the Change All... button which will should all files with that extension play in Real Player.

I followed the directions you gave, and everything works fine now.

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