Hi there,
I am currently running a 2.66 Mac Pro 1,1 with 16gb of ram, 300gb raptor, three 2TB drives with a XT1900 video card. I just upgraded my monitor from a 23" to a 30" and even though it is running great, I am wondering if a video card upgrade might pep things up a bit. My main need for speed at the moment is rendering thumbnails in iView Media Pro and eventually some video work next year. The latter is not such a big deal because it will be time to upgrade the whole enchilada at that point. I mostly use Photoshop CS5, Lightroom, the faster I can get raw files converted and thumbs rendered in my catalogs, the better, might be switching to Aperture as I am doing away with DVD backups and going all drives for archiving.
I am running OSX 10.6.6 by the way..
I was looking at an ATI 4870 but maybe I am just fine with my 1900 since the machine is a bit dated now..
I am currently running a 2.66 Mac Pro 1,1 with 16gb of ram, 300gb raptor, three 2TB drives with a XT1900 video card. I just upgraded my monitor from a 23" to a 30" and even though it is running great, I am wondering if a video card upgrade might pep things up a bit. My main need for speed at the moment is rendering thumbnails in iView Media Pro and eventually some video work next year. The latter is not such a big deal because it will be time to upgrade the whole enchilada at that point. I mostly use Photoshop CS5, Lightroom, the faster I can get raw files converted and thumbs rendered in my catalogs, the better, might be switching to Aperture as I am doing away with DVD backups and going all drives for archiving.
I am running OSX 10.6.6 by the way..
I was looking at an ATI 4870 but maybe I am just fine with my 1900 since the machine is a bit dated now..