Howdy all, I'm much enjoying my new i7, no dead pixels, no freezing, no screen blinking or other visual problems, etc., but I have a question about the one anomaly I have encountered.
The delete key squeaks annoyingly when I hit it half of the time. Is anyone else experiencing this, or have you experienced it with other Macs? Something that goes away as the keyboard breaks in? (I don't want to return it if this will go away or it's something I can address easily on my own but the squeak is pretty annoying.)
The delete key squeaks annoyingly when I hit it half of the time. Is anyone else experiencing this, or have you experienced it with other Macs? Something that goes away as the keyboard breaks in? (I don't want to return it if this will go away or it's something I can address easily on my own but the squeak is pretty annoying.)