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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 12, 2008
so I got the free iPhone sdk 2day because I thought that it could be a hobby of mine, I thought it wouldn't be that hard, might I tell you I've only gotten really into HTML and a little java. So any ways I've watched a bunch of videoes about where to start, nothing has helped. Could anyone help me out?? I just wanna start out with a couple simple apps, calculator accelerometer recorder etc.
so I got the free iPhone sdk 2day because I thought that it could be a hobby of mine, I thought it wouldn't be that hard, might I tell you I've only gotten really into HTML and a little java. So any ways I've watched a bunch of videoes about where to start, nothing has helped. Could anyone help me out?? I just wanna start out with a couple simple apps, calculator accelerometer recorder etc.

Buy a book on Cocoa or Objective-C. It will help to have the syntax explained to you, something that most videos don't truly do. Even if you only use that book for reference, having it will help you so much.
Buy a book on Cocoa or Objective-C. It will help to have the syntax explained to you, something that most videos don't truly do. Even if you only use that book for reference, having it will help you so much.

thank you I woulda never thought of that for some reason, borders sells this type of stuff?
thank you I woulda never thought of that for some reason, borders sells this type of stuff?

I'd assume so. A couple of books to look at are "Learning Objective-C" by Steven Kochan and somehting about Cocoa by Hillgrass
thank you very much Ill get bck 2 this post tommorrow after I hopefully get one of these books
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