Hi All,
First post on this forum. I am an ex Red Bull marketer turned developer who just launched his first app on IOS. I took 5 months off of work to learn javascript/html and coded the whole thing start to finish. Would love some feedback from people on here.
Concept: I sell in partnerships to brands and give them space on the app in the form of mini games. Users can then pay for a chance to win products from those brands. I rounded up 30k in products for the initial launch.
Here is the IOS link:
Be easy on the the feedback as I literally coded this thing start to finish on my own with no previous background - ha
I like your enthusiasm. It takes a lot of devotion to learn how to write code and then launch your first app on the app store. Its like your baby.
But this app is not going to succeed, plain and simple. There are a few reasons for this. Most importantly, I cannot imagine anyone downloading this app for fun. People download apps for entertainment and occasionally utility or social reasons as well, this app performs neither function. The vast majority of tech-savvy people, who would be your primary user base, tend to stay away from anything that uses the words "free" and "prize", as no one likes advertisement apps whose only function is to serve advertisements. This is what your app does.
Second, the quality of the app itself is very poor. For example, when you are holding down your finger (like if you were going to copy & paste something), it actually asks you if you want to open a URL. This is very bad, not something you want to happen in an iOS app if it's a menu button.
Lastly, it isn't very clear what the app actually does. You call using the app "playing", but it isn't actually a game, and everyone is smart enough to know that. "Playing" in the app simply consists of erasing one image to show the image behind it, a coupon. No one is going to find this entertaining, and that is the final death blow to any app.
The hard truth is that if by some miracle someone does happen to accidentally discover this app, they will open it once, become confused, close it again, and will never touch it again. My advise for you would be to abandon this app, immediately stop pouring ANY of your money in to it, and do something that will actually stand a chance of making you money.
I am pretty impressed, however, that you were able to code this without any previous experience. But the sheer amount of time it would take you to learn Objective C, which is an absolute necessity with an iOS app, simply won't be worth it for you if you have hopes of ever actually making any money. A lot of developers have to find this out the hard way, I hope you don't.