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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 21, 2007
Heaven or Hell
I have dabbled in some programming, but want to start some iphone developing.

What are the apps that i need to start ?

thanks !
Hey there,

I had a really cool idea that, if done properly, should be a success.

The app is called Cocktail. You start up the app and you are greeted by a parchment style menu (like EA's sudoku but without the Japanese background), it gives you a few options: random cocktail, saved mixes, search and submit your own.

You tap on the random cocktail option and the menu slides aside to the left to reveal a cocktail mixer. At the bottom of the screen there is an instruction it says simply: Shake to get your cocktail. You shake and out pops a scroll with the mix! On this scroll there are three options: Save cocktail, tell a friend and shake again.

You tap on the saved mixes menu item and you get a list of your saved cocktails in alphabetical order that you can search.

You tap on the search option and a search bar pops up, it allows you to type anything related to the cocktails your looking for. Once you get a result, you a parchment pops up with the recipe and you have three option at the bottom of the screen: Save, Tell a friend and Back to search.

You tap on submit your own, up pops a blank parchment with place holders for title and ingredients once you fill those in there's a button at the bottom of the screen that you press to publish.

I repeat, if this app is done correctly with a beautiful and well designed user interface and at the right price, it could shine.

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