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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 8, 2008

I've had a search around but to be honest most of the info posted here is over my head. I'm not very technical but I know that when I print I want to get results that look pretty much as they do on my screen; I want to know that the adjustments I make in Photoshop are accurate. I realise that for that I need to download paper prefs from my printer mfg's website use the right ink paper etc but I also want to make my screen as good as I can get.

I use a MB (glossy) which I use for palettes, and a Samsung 22" screen for the actual work.

I went out and bought a Huey Pro, used it, and was shocked at the results.
The calibration left a horrible pink cast on the screen. I tried again, the same results.

Do I have a faulty unit or am I missing something basic?

Many thanks in advance.

ps. If you talk to me about Gamut you'll throw me, for now at least. Sorry.


macrumors 68000
Dec 17, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I think you may have a bad unit. I have the basic Huey, and mine started with a green cast. I e-mailed them and they sent me a new unit right away, and it was fine after that.

You could have some other issue with multiple monitors also - buit I thought that was the big difference between the Huey and Huey Pro...


macrumors member
Nov 8, 2007
So Cal
You have a faulty unit for sure. I have a Huey pro and it has worked on macbook pros, Toshiba glossy notebooks, and my viewsonic for my Mac Pro--everytime it calibrates correctly and the results are great!:eek:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 8, 2008
I've contacted Pantone and will keep you updated as to their customer service.


macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2005
I just got a Huey Pro from the Apple store and have the same problem! Everything is pink!

Should I return it to the apple store do you think? or should I call Pantone?


macrumors 68000
Dec 17, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I think I would try taking it back to the Apple Store, if it was a retail store. If you ordered it online, then I think I would call Pantone...


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Are both screens pink. You didn't say. If just one then I think somehow the profiles are getting mixed up and the pink screen is using the wrong profile. If both are pink I'd suspect the colorimeter device itself but it still may not be technically defective. could be defective, but it could be reflected light

Maybe some of your room lights are reflecting off the screen and getting into the sensor. One easy fix is to do the calibration in the dark. Whail 'till night time and turn off all the lights. I do this even with my older white iMac with it's anti-glare screen.

If the pink goes away when you run the calibration in the dark then replacing the unit will not help.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 8, 2008
It's definitely a problem with the units. I emailed Pantone on the 9th February, they replied that there have been problems and that they would replace the unit.

It's now March 3rd and I'm still waiting for a unit. They haven't even told me when they're going to ship one to me. That's nearly a whole month.

I have been more than patient, but I think this level of Customer Service sucks. I really would not recommend that anyone buys one of these units, not because they don't work (I mean, mistakes happen) but because Pantone's customer Service are just so sluggish about this. They just don't seem to care.

BikeMike, go back to the Apple Store, unfortunately I bought mine from Amazon, so I have to deal direct with Pantone. Fortunately for you, you don't.


macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2005
I returned it, got a new one, and it has a pinkish cast, not as bad as before, but not great.

I calibrated under two user logins, and it calibrated differently. Not incredibly, but noticeably different. I am very perturbed with this whole process. Maybe I'm just stupid, but I don't think that is the case. I may just take back the Huey and try my luck with a Spyder.

I have been doing research on this, and a lot of people seem to be having problems with them



macrumors newbie
Jan 9, 2008
I got the Huey Pro on the 30th March and it was faulty. Pink/red cast on all monitors, ACD 23 and 20 on MacPro (08 model) and Samsung 22 on G4. Got replacement on 2nd May and this one was also faulty. Still waiting for 3rd one, expected 21st July, 9 weeks wait for European inventory.

Only reason for being this patient is that other customers have been happy with product. If this doesn't work will look at Spyder3 or Eye-One Display.


macrumors newbie
Jan 15, 2009
same crap

using window xp--felt i should post here--using hp w2558hc monitor and used huey pro with latest upgrade
left a pink gradient--in the process of resolving issue but am pissed

monitor on mac g4 quicksilver 1 gig 2 cpu a little flakey to set up ---moniotor scans for dvi input an habns have to go to menu and press menu again

then it comes up--no problems looks great


macrumors 6502a
Mar 17, 2008
I have a Pantone EyeOne 2 and a Gretag-Macbeth Xrite. They calibrate noticably different although both are pretty good. I prefer the calibration of the Pantone, but I haven't had problems with either one. Both of them are mouse sized, so they probably have a better chance of excluding ambient light than the Huey. My guess is flourescent light leaking into the huey and it turns the monitor pink to compensate. Try to recalibrate in the dark (I know, this isn't the perfect solution, but it can rule out light pollution).


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 8, 2008
I'll try, erm, doing it in the dark.

But I must say I have been REALLY unimpressed with Huey. It took months to get a replacement, and when I did get one I had exactly the same issues. The first time around they admitted there was a problem, the second time around they just ignored my emails.

I've just written the thing off, and I'm £100 poorer for it.


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2001
Sendai, Japan
Get a Color Spyder instead. Unlike Hueys that have a reputation of leaving a pink hue, I haven't heard of any similar problems. I have one myself and it is working exactly as it should, I have had no problems whatsoever.
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