Tried Surrogates, The Boys are Back, and Post Grad. Video is choppy. Anyone have success encoding them?
Add this string to you advance settings within the ATV preset, using handbreak:
My HD/Blu-Ray films are spot on with these settings on my ATV.
I have surrogate, staten island, star trek, 2012, ice age 3, invention of lying, rambo, fight club etc..... all in HD and all play perfectly fine!!
Thanks for the Handbrake settings CarlCosby, but how dod you know which Title to scan? Handbrake defaults to 29 but the chapters are all out of order in the preview.
Any idea anyone? 11 through 61 look like all potentials.
Try playing the dvd in DVD Player. While the feature is playing, look under the "Go" menu and see which title is playing.
Then in handbrake instead of opening the entire disk, only open the title that was playing.
That usually works