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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 31, 2012
Hey everyone.

I'm an Apple One subscriber so get News+ as part of the sub. The recent update now seems to have made News+ only work when connected to wifi? Is this correct?

I have a perfectly stable 5G signal however in the News app it tells me there is no internet connection. It is funny because all of my other apps are quite happy to work with my 5G including ones that access the internet! I don't feel the need to continually have wifi on when I have unlimited 5G data.

Am I missing a hidden setting that is like 'its okay News app, use my 5G its perfectly adequate' or is that is I cant use it unless I keep switching to wifi? Its not 'offline' so I don't need to download articles to read in 'offline mode'

Not really, I use It for the puzzles, I’m on them every damn day. However I never get into News + because I like the old school formats of digital newspaper and dislike the digital format that’s just like reading a website.
I was more on about it not connecting unless I'm on wifi to be honest with you...
I have no problem with news+ on LTE. I would assume as long as you have a strong 5G signal, it should be fine. Sorry can't help ya
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No worries - yeah really strong 5G anywhere in the house let alone outside but just keeps saying no internet connection.
Just triple make sure the news app has data enabled both in cellular, and the news settings, and that the offline news option is turned on.

If that doesn’t work, delete the app and reinstall it.
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