Well said , hit the nail on the head there sir ! , And i agree developing a 64bit EFI is the way forward , but as you state due to the '' warez '' crowd declaring it free '' it would be extremely difficult for people to make money on such a mod , the ONLY way this can be resolved by apple them selves , and i still highly doubt that they will do it , we just have to wait , the only other way i have thought about is to raise some publicity for this against apple , and hope they change there minds , like Contacting Engadget , and Gizmodo , etc , to put something on main sites ..... heh we just have to hope :-( , but for now ! , my MP 1,1 Is still a screameras the steve would put it
This is an interesting crusade, but it will get you nowhere. You might as well use that energy to make money to upgrade to a newer Mac. Do you really need Mountain Lion that badly?