Thanks a lot, I will join the law suit. I am even ready to stand up before a jury and spill out my frustration. Please keep us posted. The Newton laws of gravitation state that, at some point, all apples will fall.
I couldn't agree more. You stole the argument from my fingez. I dont buy a Pro machine so that I can brag about how fast it is, or take it to drag strips or speed contests. I leave that to apple engineers and geeks....
Most of us here have a MacPro machine hoping that it will last a substantial amount of time (10 years at least) and what we do is simple, office work, video photo editing, basic math, surfing, watch movies, some gaming here and there, nothing einsteinian or NASAesque.
I will be pissed if Office or FinalCutPro update to higher versions that are only compatible with ML. Very very very pissed.
here is where you are wrong again and again, with all due respect. No mini or imac will never last more than 3 years. Never. They are cheap and ugly. Minis are the worst apple product ever ever.
If I want a machine, cheap machine that will last 2-3 years, I will buy a mini mac or imac yeah. But I want a machine that will last longer way longer, and that is why I spilled $$$3000. So far so good, 6 years of love affair and satisfaction, until the ML hit me in the head. For me personally, just the mere fact that Apple tells me your 6 yo machine is obsolete, is an insult, a big insult, I almsot want to shoot myself in the head (joking), what a humiliation...
Customers should educate these manufacturers that they need to respect them. And that is what I hope any law suit against the rotten apple will do.