Really? Is there something thats comes to mind similar to this? I can't think of anything.
The PowerMac Cube. Sold for little over a year. That's an example of a short term product.
Over half of the Mac line up that Steve axed when he took over officially as CEO. [ as an example of applying the axe to a whole product line up . ]
The PowerMac G5 (and every other PowerPC Mac out there ) after the Intel transition which was less than the time before the machine was due to go on the Vintage/Obsolete list. It was dropped by Snow Leopard.
The dropping of Rosetta (PowerPC) a little over 5 years after the transition from Intel in Mac OS X.
Steve said "No" to a large number of Apple products (and potential products). There are a sizable number of these if you actually look for them.
Steve also probably had a hand in setting Apple's Vintage/Obsolete policy that has largely been the same for at least a decade:
"Vintage products are those that were discontinued more than five and less than seven years ago. Apple has discontinued hardware service for vintage products with the following exception: .. "
It has been 6 years since the Mac Pro 1,1 came out. (yes the policy technically triggers on being discontinued but if most Macs are on a 12 month cycle the 'rule of thumb' is that Apple is giving you a 6 year window to get off. )
If anything Steve appears to be one of the principle contributors here. The characteristically rapid transition to x86( Intel) from the PowerPC in less that 12 months. One of the high priority criteria was to do that quickly. The EFI was 32 bit based because most of the Mac line up was 32bit based. The initial Mac Pro picked up that "Version 1.0" constraint along with the rest of the transitional line up. The 2,1 was minor tweak so it kept the constraint.
Bluntly, all this distress over the EFI32 is largely either fraudulent or willful ignorance or both. This limitation has been present since the Mac Pro 3,1 appear and reviewers outlined EFI64 was a new feature. Previously most folks didn't care and continued to run 64 bit apps at will. A large number of people got 64 "work" done on their workstation. The whole cry that it is somehow a crippled machine now is a farce. Almost no one was complaining before and those that had a deep need for EFI64 (e.g., very large physical RAM configurations) upgraded instead of whining about it. The newer Mac Pro are overwhelmingly better in the vast majority of those contexts.
Most of the "angst " here is not about features or usefulness as a workstation running 64 bit apps. It is about sunk costs. "My $xxxxx investment in this now vintage/obsolete Mac Pro is being negative impacted". The machine is vintage/obsolete whether Mountain Lion appears or not. It is just old.
If you task it with running non bleeding edge software it works just fine. It is not bleeding edge hardware though.