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macrumors 601
Original poster
Dec 2, 2003
Hi, I am using at&t dsl to connect and their news server requires SSL authentication. I've tried about 5 readers so far and none will connect to the server, I think because none have an option to use SSL authentication, the only way I can connect is using outllook express under classic mode with the SSL option checked. Any ideas?


mac os 10.3.2

p.s. I did a search of the archives and didn't find this topic.
btw, my favorite newsreader is hogwasher if anybody knows of a way to get it to use SSL authentication. Thanks.
well, I've found that thunderbird does do ssl authentication, but is a very ppor reader for binaries. I'm still waiting for some suggestions from you people, c'mon, you can do it!
I found the perfect solution (after looking for it all day!) so I figured I'd post it here so others who search the forum for this topic will get some help. The solution is a tiny thing called "SSL Enabler" that I don't quite understand how it works, but it does. It allows you to run ANY non ssl program over a conection that requires one. From what I understand, it makes a port tunnel connecting any secure SSL port to an unsecure port in an internal ip address. Whatever, it works %100.
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