I'm tempted to buy another D80, or perhaps a D40x. But you know, it was just an idea. I see so many photographers at, say, sporting events with one camera slung over their backs, and another one in their hands. I suppose, I'm finding out with my 70-200 that, although I'm a big fan of it so far, and it's going to prove quite useful in the coming weeks/months as I'm a big fan of shooting in that range, it can be somewhat limiting, and I worry about dropping it in a rapid switch, not to mention getting dust in it, and finding a place to put it (suggestions for a camera bag big enough to hold my D80 + 70-200?)
So, right, it would merely be for convenience, but I suppose everyone's right, and it's righteously unnecessary. I'm still in that period of time where I'm going to treat my new acquisition like it's never meant to get so much as a smudge on it, but I'm sure that time will pass soon enough.
My budget, however, is running a bit thin, and I would greatly enjoy zoom in the <70mm range, and I can't comfortably afford the 24-70 f/2.8, although, believe me, I would if I could.
I'm psyched about my 70-200, but not so much with the 18-135 3.5-5.6 that came with the camera. So, yeah - about 1k is the highest I could comfortably go on new glass right now, what with taxes coming up and all.
Do you have any suggestions?