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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 24, 2011
Aberdeen, Scotland
How much access do developers have to the NFC chips in iPhones and Apple Watch?

I locked myself out of work again today. My multifunction smart card has NFC to open doors, and a chip which my laptop reads to connect to VPN. About 5 times a year, I leave the card in the laptop and leave the room, and then can't enter again without phoning the Helpdesk. If I've taken my phone with me. If there's a mobile signal. There has to be a better way!

I've been looking at an NFC ring on Kickstarter, it's pretty cool. I could buy a USB read/writer, and copy the information on my smart card. I could then paste it into the ring, or onto a sticker on the back of my iPhone, but it seems pointless when it already has NFC - assuming it's possible to access it.
The only access is via Apple Pay as of now.

Thanks. That explains why I can find software for Windows and Android, but nothing for Apple. I'll go the sticker route then - that brings up another question: an NFC sticker can be stuck anywhere, but would it interfere with the iPhone NFC chip? I'll think of somewhere else to stick it. ...I wonder if anyone's working on an NFC Apple Watch strap?
I ordered a USB reader on Sunday, and it arrived this morning. A bit more research beforehand might have stopped me wasting my money! The device works well, but it doesn't do what I hoped.

It doesn't read my smart card at all - doesn't even bleep. We've been using that system for around 10 years, maybe it isn't NFC at all? I can't find any information on the Internet, and I'm not going to ask the security department, because I doubt they'd help me clone a secure card...

It doesn't read any of my NFC bank cards, just says unsupported format. Im actually happy at that.

It reads my NFC bus pass, but there's no data on the card; it isn't even formatted. I don't know if it works, I haven't used the bus for about 2 years, or if it just identifies the UID - which is the one thing I can't write with legitimate software.

I can't find my Oyster card, but I can use Apple Pay there, should I ever visit London again, so that's moot.

Oh well, you live and learn.
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