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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 9, 2003
I am in the process of redesigning the look of the magazine I work for. Right now we use a "Times-esque" font for all the text in the articles, but I've never been a fan of those types. I really want something more modern, but that is still easy to read. Any suggestions?

I'd also like a bold type for headers. I've been using a font that's short and fat, but would prefer something tall and skinner, but more square and "masculine."

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

You mention that you don't like the "Times"-like font, but the problem is that Times is he most used font for print because it is the easiest to read (on paper). Time and tests has proven its superiority. Which is a bit sad, because I, too, dislike it heavily. :(

So, if you want to trade a little style for a little bit of readability, get a simple sans serif font you like instead. You can find lots of suggestions in the thread MontyZ suggests. My personal favorite is Skia. ;)
The one thing I learnt at university that I will never forget – 'you can't go wrong with Gill Sans.' ;)

I'm with Mitthrawnuruodo – it sounds like a nice, crisp sans serif is what you're looking for. To my tastes at least, Skia is a little too quirky for a lot of body copy, but how about Myriad Pro? Looks good and it's nice and legible.
snkTab said:
A good site for align fonts with their uses.

Remeber you can use the top text field to insert a line of text and it will preview it on the fonts shown.

My reccommendation would ahve been Minion, but you are looking to get away from Times so I guess that doesn't work.

Yes! This is exaccccctttllyy what I was looking for, thanks!

Don't panic said:
Of the common ones, I found arial is easily the cleanest looking one, and easy on the eyes Especially for longish bodies of text. Times (in all its variants) I can't stand.

Really? I always thought serif fonts were more preferred for long bodies of text rather than san-serif fonts.

I guess it's a personal preference then....
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