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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 15, 2008
Had my pad for a week now...done a lot of emails, surfing, and reading Marvel comics, but still wasn't convinced that this thing could deliver when it came time do getting some work done. Tonight I needed to help my daughter work on her 3rd grade science fair project. So I decided to see how the pad could handle whipping up some slides for her poster board.

Emailed myself the file we used for her project last year from my desktop, then grabbed the file using the pad. Do you want to open with Keynote? Yes,
I do. Whereas in the past I would have sat at the computer and had her tell me what to put in the slides, this time we could sit side by side on the couch and work on it together---she quickly got the hang of how to format type, add pictures, etc. I was surprised how easy it was to find images online, save them to them pad, and then incorporate them into the Keynote pres. Even my wife, who is a total technophobe, sat down and eventually took the pad away from me so that she could add her touches.

Well, before I make you all weepy eyed, let's just say that, though we weren't exactly working on something vital for national security, the pad surprised me with how easily I could create something, even working with a file from my PC.

Thanks for sharing! This is one of the great things about this board; the ability to share thoughts, ideas, tricks and advice. I learn so much here just from comments and thoughts. It's great as I await my 3G and play with my wife's new WiFi model!

I hope people will post more about the experiences and what they have found out in the trenches! It's great to learn from the experiences of others.

Good luck!
Had my pad for a week now...done a lot of emails, surfing, and reading Marvel comics, but still wasn't convinced that this thing could deliver when it came time do getting some work done. Tonight I needed to help my daughter work on her 3rd grade science fair project. So I decided to see how the pad could handle whipping up some slides for her poster board.

Emailed myself the file we used for her project last year from my desktop, then grabbed the file using the pad. Do you want to open with Keynote? Yes,
I do. Whereas in the past I would have sat at the computer and had her tell me what to put in the slides, this time we could sit side by side on the couch and work on it together---she quickly got the hang of how to format type, add pictures, etc. I was surprised how easy it was to find images online, save them to them pad, and then incorporate them into the Keynote pres. Even my wife, who is a total technophobe, sat down and eventually took the pad away from me so that she could add her touches.

Well, before I make you all weepy eyed, let's just say that, though we weren't exactly working on something vital for national security, the pad surprised me with how easily I could create something, even working with a file from my PC.


It's much much easier to do this (importing pictures from WWW) on a real computer. Even your 3rd grader could do this. No so on the iPad.
For me the jury is still out about file handling. I might be willing to do everything via email. I just haven't decided yet.
It's much much easier to do this (importing pictures from WWW) on a real computer. Even your 3rd grader could do this. No so on the iPad.

One touch on the image and one touch on save. Wow, that's so much harder than using a mouse and keyboard. :rolleyes:

My first grader prefers the iPad to the iMac.
Cool story but is the iPad your first house computer?

I'm sorry but I just don't see how praising the iPad for it garners cool points.

I have been able to use my computer to do the same for ages.

Not being a prick it just sounds like something so common to me to do.

I actually think is more of a hassle to do it with the iPad with the lack file management and all.
I think the point was that he had fun creating something on the iPad with his daughter. And she was able to create on the device when so many whine about it.

We have several computers in our house and while the kids know how to use the desktops and laptops, we've all been having much more fun with the iPad since it arrived. I think it's pretty cool.
Cool story but is the iPad your first house computer?

I'm sorry but I just don't see how praising the iPad for it garners cool points.

I have been able to use my computer to do the same for ages.

Not being a prick it just sounds like something so common to me to do.

I actually think is more of a hassle to do it with the iPad with the lack file management and all.

Kudos to the OP, nice refreshing story of something positive and yet creative on the iPad. This is just the beginning. I'm very excited about this product. :)
User experience, people. Computing devices that work naturally and fit into real-life contexts that traditional computers don't.

The tech geeks will never get it, but there's something to be said for a computer you can do this with.
Thanks, all---you are doing a lot of the heavy lifting for me here. I especially like the pic of JLP.

BTW, we have 1 nice desktop and two netbooks in the house, so there were plenty of other options for the project, but none of them would have given the same experience as using the pad. In particular, the trackpad on the net book is a PITA to use for this kind of thing---placing text, resizing images, etc.
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