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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 25, 2006
London UK
yes i am a camera novice. :eek:

i have a nikon coolpix 5200 digital camera and even reading through the manual i still havent managed to get any real sharp focused pictures out of it.i am not sure if the camera is faulty or it just needs setting up correctly?

i was just wondering if any of you forum members have any advice or tips on getting pin sharp photos(apart from saying buy a good camera:rolleyes: ) lol.

what sort of settings on the camera should i be using? also am i better to use manual focus rather than auto focus?

any help would be greatly appreciated.


macrumors 68020
This is autofocus on a 4500 coolpix.

To answer your question one really needs to understand what you mean by sharp. Do you mean that *nothing* is sharp or just certain bit. In which case you need to work on your depth of focus or maybe the camera itself is focusing on the wrong bit.

It would be good if you could post a shot. It might be camera movement or it might be lens focus. Or both.

I very rarely found manual focus to be better in my old 4500.
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