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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 19, 2005
Hi there, I have been offered from a work college a new nikon D2H as he doesn't need it..... I wanted some advice if its anygood .. what i will use it for it soprts photography so it will need to be quick... as i am a "Noob" at cameras i need some extra advice... can you help. many thanks.. onemacmini


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
A new Nikon D2H? Why is it new?

It's good for sports photography because you can take photos at 8 fps. However, I've never used one and don't know much about DSLR technology from > 3 years ago.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Well I'm not sure exactly, but it's a 4MP camera according to Nikon's website. It likely came out before or around the time of the D70, which came out around 30 months ago (the D70s came out 15 months after that, and the new Nikon D80 has been released 15 months after the D70s). The D2Hs, D2X and D2Xs are all better than it. However, if you're getting it for free, then it's a great deal. In fact, 4 MP is a lot of pixels. Really. It may not sound like a lot nowadays, but I don't look at my Canon IXUS 40 and think, "This camera takes crap photos." It's still likely a very very good camera. It's just that advances in autofocus, metering, dealing with noise at high ISOs, etc, are found in newer cameras.

Did this person at work agree to sell it to you? I was under the impression that he was just going to give you his old camera (even though you did say it was "new").

Anyway, it comes with a lot of nice features that you wouldn't find in a D50, so in a way it's better for sports.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
First, you need to see if it is the D2H or the D2Hs model. The Hs model significantly improved the low light performance of the sensor. That being said, the older D2H model is an excellent camera (I use one!). 4MP sensor makes for easy file management and editing. It is a "pro" body so the build is very good. 8fps is blazingly fast. The AF system is awesome. It is very fast and works well in low light. It was the first camera to use the CAM 2000 AF module so the focus is on par with the D2X/D2Hs/D2Xs.

The target market for the D2H was sports shooters and photojournalism, so for your purposes, it is an excellent camera.

BUT... What is your photography experience? This camera is a lot to handle and can be too much "camera" for a beginner or hobbyist. There is a fairly steep learning curve when it comes to using a D2 series camera. First, your camera usage and techniques have to be good as well as your post processing skills. Since it is a pro camera, the processing in camera leaves something to be desired, so it is up to the photographer and the computer to do the processing.

One known problem: There is an issue with the in camera meter failing. However, Nikon will fix this for free even if it is out of warranty. If the meter has already been replaced, then there is no need to worry.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
onemacmini said:
Hi there, I have been offered from a work college a new nikon D2H as he doesn't need it..... I wanted some advice if its anygood .. what i will use it for it soprts photography so it will need to be quick... as i am a "Noob" at cameras i need some extra advice... can you help. many thanks.. onemacmini

It is pretty much the ideal camera for sports. Very fast handling. It is a popular profesional level camera.

But the camera is usless without a lens attached. What lens would you be using? Be warned that if you have to buy one, a lens suitable for sports photography might have a price in the $2K range.


macrumors 65816
Jul 11, 2003
NYC, or thereabouts
While the D2H works quite well for sports, my understanding is that the D2H was designed for photojournalism (even though DP Review seems to disagree!).

When it came out, 6 megapixels was pretty much the top end, but Nikon reasoned that 4MP allowed them to give a better balance of resolution and speed. Since photojournalists' work is generally going to be used in print at 300 dpi (at most) or on the web at 72 or 96 ppi, a 4MP image is more than enough.

For more info about the D2H (and lots of others), check out DP Review. A great site.


macrumors regular
May 23, 2006
Buenos Aires, Argentina
a D2H (or even better a D2Hs) is an amazing camera.
As was said before, it's mainly targeted at Sports and Journalism because of it's Hi speed, low MP count and ruggedness.

And when I say rugged, the thing is built like a tank. If you happen to fall of a cliff with that camera in your hand, the D2 will end up in a much better condition than you ;)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 19, 2005
well thanks for all the reply's been lots of help. my situation is : i have never had a dslr but have been searching for a while. Im not to sure on how to pick out len's so my experience there is minimal. The camera i am not sure which model it is either the D2H or the D2Hs but will bring it home for a trial. i am not sure wether to not buy the camera off him but to invest my money into a more modern d50 as it seems a good camera and the len's are reasonable.Also my uncle bought one of these and its a fantastic camera. any tips or advice on len's? my main shooting is actually boxing. I am normally in the crowd so a long lens would be needed.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
onemacmini said:
well thanks for all the reply's been lots of help. my situation is : i have never had a dslr but have been searching for a while. Im not to sure on how to pick out len's so my experience there is minimal. The camera i am not sure which model it is either the D2H or the D2Hs but will bring it home for a trial. i am not sure wether to not buy the camera off him but to invest my money into a more modern d50 as it seems a good camera and the len's are reasonable.Also my uncle bought one of these and its a fantastic camera. any tips or advice on len's? my main shooting is actually boxing. I am normally in the crowd so a long lens would be needed.

Boxing is normally indoors, so fast lenses (lenses with wide apertures) are the order of the day. Depending on how far you are, the 70-200mm VR f/2.8 will work well. You are looking at at least ~$1500 for that lens and it goes upwards. The D50 is a good camera. The high ISO performance is second in the Nikon line to the D2Hs (not the original D2H). 8fps vs. 2.5 fps are worlds appart from each other.

I am assuming that you are doing this for fun? If that is the case, I would get the D50. The D2H would really not be worth it and the money you save would go towards your lenses. A professional camera body is not a good start into the SLR world.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
beavo451 said:
Boxing is normally indoors, so fast lenses (lenses with wide apertures) are the order of the day. Depending on how far you are, the 70-200mm VR f/2.8 will work well. You are looking at at least ~$1500 for that lens and it goes upwards. The D50 is a good camera. The high ISO performance is second in the Nikon line to the D2Hs (not the original D2H). 8fps vs. 2.5 fps are worlds appart from each other.

I am assuming that you are doing this for fun? If that is the case, I would get the D50. The D2H would really not be worth it and the money you save would go towards your lenses. A professional camera body is not a good start into the SLR world.

I'd have to second the above. the 70-200 f/2.8 VR would be the ideal lens. If you got a longer lens you would need a tripod. There is not much light indoors and a flash simply would not work at the distance you are shooting from.

You can find used 80-200 f/2.8 lens for about $600. Us one of these with a monopod and it will work as well as the "VR" hand held.

As for which body to buy, it depends on the price. If you can get the D2Hs for cheap go for it but remember that new D50 sells for about $500 and will work well enough

Wit the slower 2.5 fps of the D50 you do not shoot "machine gun style". If yu do you will get many frame all taken at the "wrong" time. What you do is press the shutter button at the peak of the action. That 2.5fps number tells you how fast you can press the button. You need to know the sport well to antisipate the peak moment. With 8fps you do not need so much skill simply blasting away a burst works well enough. but you will have some work when you get home sorting out the one good shot from the 20 or so you need to delete.

Sports photography is, I thin, the second hardest and econd most expensive type of photography. with the number one spot going to wildlife photography.
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