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Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
That camera is awesome. I mean it's simply breathtaking. I can see what all the Canon 5D users are bragging about with Full Frame. Beyond the body sounding like and feeling like an amazing camera, the images it produces are just crisp, and I mean crisp.

Shooting the thing in the DX mode isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Having a 5 MP image is still an upgrade from our 4.1 MP images that the D2hs takes, and being able to bump the res up to the full 12 MP is a really big plus.

Live View isn't as usefull as I would have liked it to be. You have to engage the dial then press the shutter to activate it (to raise the mirror), when you want to take a photo you have to press the shutter again to close the mirror and the camer will autofocus, then you have to press the button once again to take the photo. If that wasn't enough, you have to press the shutter again to engage the mirror and start the cycle over again. Practical for those using the camera in a studio setting, but other than that it's just nice to have.

The 3" LCD is amazing and sharp, and i know that I won't be able to stomach my D200 or D2hs LCD screen for too long. The "info" button that allows you to view your shooting data is nice and an added benefit for people that use tripods often, i may use it here and there myself.

The AF points are crazy confusing. I didn't get to mess with them as much as I would have liked (Nikon didn't send instructions). I would have set them to Group Dynamic (if they still call it that) and gotten rid of all of those points. AF is the fastest I have seen, faster than the D2hs/x/D200, and any other camera that I have used. Pointing the sensor at a low contrast area doesn't even slow the thing down. I tried my best to rack focus and I got nothing but sharp, crisp focus.

Image quality is just amazing at high ISOs. I shot at 6400 in the lowest light I could find and there was absolutely NO noise whatsoever there was however some loss of shadow detail in low light.... yes I'd give that up to shoot at ISO 12,800.

Now... I have to convince the guys with the deep pockets to order about 20 of these and a spare for myself. :D

Kamera RAWr

macrumors 65816
May 15, 2007
Sitting on a rig somewhere
Hmmm... your first hand account makes me really interested. If I hadn't already invested in DX glass a bit, I'd buy the D3 over the D300. Enjoy! Please post some pics you've shot with it ;)

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
I am officially quite jealous.

Don't worry. If my paper does grab these I am sure they won't get them for months and will only be issuing a single body to the photogs, and no one else. I may get one under the table since I do shoot every now and then but I am sure their editors aren't a priority.

And I had a discussion with a fellow colleague and he mentioned that they may not purchase the new glass either, we may have to dig into our ancient stock pile of Nikkors. The 28-70 f2.8 being the workhorse.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
And I had a discussion with a fellow colleague and he mentioned that they may not purchase the new glass either, we may have to dig into our ancient stock pile of Nikkors. The 28-70 f2.8 being the workhorse.

That's too bad, at least from a NAS point of view. :D I know the 28-70 is an exceptional lens; but the lucky few that have received their 24-70s seem to be in awe of it. Normally at least one early adopter will be whining about something.

I'm thinking of trying to find a way I can afford the lens, even though I'll be on DX for the forseeable future - I shoot in that range a lot. Okay, maybe there's some NAS speaking as well...

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
That's too bad, at least from a NAS point of view. :D I know the 28-70 is an exceptional lens; but the lucky few that have received their 24-70s seem to be in awe of it. Normally at least one early adopter will be whining about something.

I'm thinking of trying to find a way I can afford the lens, even though I'll be on DX for the forseeable future - I shoot in that range a lot. Okay, maybe there's some NAS speaking as well...

Oh yeah... there will be plenty of people that don't see the D3 satisfying their needs. There are many on the Nikonians Forums that are not too happy that the D3 is a replacement for the D2hs and not the D2xs. They don't feel Nikon is doing them any justice, yadda yadda yadda. The D3 was made for journalists and it was made to capture the biggest market in photography, JOURNALISM. The D2h was a let down and after almost 4+ years we are getting a real update (not counting the stopgap D2xs).

Personally I will getting a D300. If I have the money I will grab a 24-70. I may still get a used 17-55 (let go by the D3 buyers) for $900 or so and use the $700+ that I save to get an army of Lexar 300x cards or something else that I may need, like heat and electricity.

Much of the photos online give the D3 better justice than the ones we shot messing around in the office, but a fellow photog shot this image on assignment. It was shot in the DX mode @ ISO 1600:

Gene 1600.jpg

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
... but a fellow photog shot this image on assignment. It was shot in the DX mode @ ISO 1600:

I'm amazed by the high-ISO performance I'm seeing in a few photos, including the one you posted. I found one image on Nikonians where they'd shot a (admittedly bright) lily flower at ISO 6400. The photo itself wasn't much; but the noise performance was simply stunning!

The D300 looks to handle noise very well too (especially compared to my old noisy D70); but high ISO photos turned out by the D3 are incredible.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 19, 2004
Northeast, CT
You won't be disappointed with the D300 I just got mine in and I love it. Shot some HS Championship football today and it was great.

I have started to save my pennies for a D3 now. Would love full frame, and super high ISO.

Posted some shots on my and galleries.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
You won't be disappointed with the D300 I just got mine in and I love it. Shot some HS Championship football today and it was great.

I have started to save my pennies for a D3 now. Would love full frame, and super high ISO.

Posted some shots on my and galleries.

That D300 is a beautiful update to the line up and a great example of how DX and cropped sensors are here to stay for a while. I am curious to see what Nikon does with the D80 and D40 with these new sensors and ISOs. And putting the new FX sensor or a future iteration of it for the D3x (22MP anyone) in a D300x or something body to compete with the rumored 5D Mark II. I may even opt to get two D80 replacement (D90 or something) if I am issued a D3. But then again... the D300 is a wonderful camera.
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