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macrumors regular
May 23, 2006
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Looks like a very nice step up for people coming from P&S who want to try their hands at DSLRs...
the AF-s thing seems logical from a design standpoint, the AF motor surely took up space and the people who will buy this camera won't miss non AFs lenses anyway.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2003
I just read about this at

Seems like a good way to get P&S users into a dslr with Nikon and then upgrade to more Nikon gear.....for only $350 is what I'm hearing....


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2004
Kushiel's Scion
This doesn't look like a replacement for the D50, though, which supposedly is in short supply and "discontinued" -- as told to several retailers.

So is a true D50 replacement still pending or is the D40 it? :eek:

If so, I need to place my order for a D50 today!


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Washington, DC
This doesn't look like a replacement for the D50, though, which supposedly is in short supply and "discontinued" -- as told to several retailers.

So is a true D50 replacement still pending or is the D40 it? :eek:

If so, I need to place my order for a D50 today!

Without knowing what I'm talking about, I would imagine Nikon wants a replacement for the nearly two-year old D50 and D70s. So like $5-600 D40, $7-800 D60, $100 D80 to compete at all levels of the $1000 and under DSLR market, just like they do now with the D50, D70s, and D80.


macrumors 6502a
The D80 will ultimately replace the D70, though I belive the D70s is still in production. The D50's replacement is thought to be the unreleased D60, which some believed would be anounced to day. It looks like the D40 is intended as a new entry level DSLR positioned below the D50


Original poster
May 10, 2004
Without knowing what I'm talking about, I would imagine Nikon wants a replacement for the nearly two-year old D50 and D70s. So like $5-600 D40, $7-800 D60, $100 D80 to compete at all levels of the $1000 and under DSLR market, just like they do now with the D50, D70s, and D80.

You can get the D50 for $483 (including 7.6% VAT) in Switzerland.


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2004
Kushiel's Scion
Roughly the same in the US, if you hunt.
Where, pray tell?

Best I found was at -- get this -- Staples. $530 on clearance but nearly no stores have them in stock anymore. Found two with demo units, less 10% for display model, that's $477. Includes the 18-55 kit lens.


Original poster
May 10, 2004
Maybe there will be a D50s with the most notable improvement being the LCD.


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2004
Kushiel's Scion
Well this is funny (and slightly off-tangent).

I did go to Staples to buy their D50 kit for $539 less 10% for open box. On the way I hit Best Buy who still has the D50 kit new at $699. They, of course, agreed to price match Staples but did so without bothering to call. Plus the unit was an in store open box, and I got a $35 gift card on top of it.

So I can't complain: a new D50 kit for $539 and $35 to spend on accessories! :D

[Edit] Surprise, surprise. The kit came with two batteries, both the EN-EL3a! Bonus!


macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2006
East Coast
Well this is funny (and slightly off-tangent).

I did go to Staples to buy their D50 kit for $539 less 10% for open box. On the way I hit Best Buy who still has the D50 kit new at $699. They, of course, agreed to price match Staples but did so without bothering to call. Plus the unit was an in store open box, and I got a $35 gift card on top of it.

So I can't complain: a new D50 kit for $539 and $35 to spend on accessories! :D

[Edit] Surprise, surprise. The kit came with two batteries, both the EN-EL3a! Bonus!

I don't undertand, the kit on goes for $699...


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Well this is funny (and slightly off-tangent).

I did go to Staples to buy their D50 kit for $539 less 10% for open box. On the way I hit Best Buy who still has the D50 kit new at $699. They, of course, agreed to price match Staples but did so without bothering to call. Plus the unit was an in store open box, and I got a $35 gift card on top of it.

So I can't complain: a new D50 kit for $539 and $35 to spend on accessories! :D

[Edit] Surprise, surprise. The kit came with two batteries, both the EN-EL3a! Bonus!

So you bought your D50 at Best Buy for the same price as Staples, which was an open box unit? What about the 10% open box discount Staples was offering (if I understand your post..) and did Best Buy give you the 10% open box discount ($53.90) plus the $35 gift card? If so, great deal. Especially getting two batteries. Nice!

I paid $499 for my D50 w/kit lens as a Nikon refurbished product at Shutterbug a few months ago, and am basically fairly happy. Definately need some faster lenses though, both wider and longer.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Oh goodness, and the D50 wasn't basic enough?

Nikon is going to need a LOT of AF-S lenses (readily available) if they're going to be able to supply enough lenses for this cheap DSLR. I'm hoping they still bring out a replacement for the D50 as a bottom end "real" DSLR for actual enthusiasts, because the D50 had a very nice, very comfy place in the market. This D40 fills another hole in the market, but not the same hole as that filled by the D50.

With the D40 on the market, the Canon 400D has a lower price than Nikon's TRUE bottom-line DSLR, the D80 (if the D50 isn't on the market anymore), if you only consider buying Canon and Nikon. Since D80 isn't cheap, Canon's 400D takes the place of the Nikon D50 on the market in a way, because one of the main advantages of the D50 over the 350D has always been price.


macrumors regular
May 23, 2006
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Nikon is not replacing the D50, you'll have to wait a few more months for that (just think of how nikon replaces their cameras). The D40 is replacing the old advanced coolpix cameras (cp5000, cp8000, etc), they cannot justify selling compact cameras at that price, but people still want something easier to use/smaller than a D50.

As for the lenses: If you have some older lenses you probably already have a DSLR and if you don't it's because you really don't care about those kind of things. I doubt someone won't buy this camera because they really want to use the 14mm f/2.8 wide angle... the real non AFS lenses cost 2-3 times what this camera does, those people won't be looking for a D40.
The kit comes with a 18-55mm, you have the whole range covered by AFS lenses, of course you miss some gems (the 105dc comes to my mind), but you have plenty of room to grow.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
This is where this true blue nikon fan turns a cheek at nikon. I'm sorry, but seriously....they're no longer here to cater to the professional and while that is well and good for a great number of people, their need for af-s lenses only is silly. I thought the d50 sd card thing was can imagine what I think of this thing.

The d50 seemed like the best entry level dslr, apparently we thought wrong!


Original poster
May 10, 2004

- Push lens manufacurers to make ultrasonic lenses
- Do not increase demand for used plain AF lenses

- Increases demand for used AF-S lenses (but maybe not for the interesting stuff)

Sorry, I don't think it will increase the supply of used good AF-S lenses.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
This makes sense that the D40 is aimed at people who are now dissatisified with the "prosumer" advanced digital cameras such as the CP 8800 and its ilk, but who don't want to mess with changing lenses and who want a lightweight camera. I'm sure that Nikon is hoping that this will serve to lure these people into buying their first DSLR and then eventually moving on to the better, more sophisticated camera bodies. Probably most purchasers will buy one, slap the 18-200mm VR lens on it and that will be that.

Personally if I were someone moving from a "prosumer" digicam to my first DSLR I would choose the D80, as it offers much more.
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