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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 14, 2006
I'm looking into getting a new lens for my D40 and I am probably going to settle for the 50mm f/1.8 for now. However, autofocus will obviously not work with my D40. I do not mind manually focusing for what I would use it for. However, over the past few weeks/months, I have read numerous times that Nikon is about to update some lenses, and some have said that they will update their prime lenses to AF-S. Does anyone have any more info. I searched around (here and other sites) the best I could and couldn't find much info. Just trying to decide if I should wait for the update, or if the update is just truly a rumor...Thank you.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
No one actually knows, so you'll have to make your own decisions. But it's pretty obvious Nikon will be releasing new lenses (whether it's soon or not is the question). Their forecast for this new fiscal year indicated they expect significant growth in their lens sales this year.

Note that the fiscal year for them just started.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 19, 2004
Northeast, CT
If anything they are probably going to be updating a small range of their primes. Especially the 300mm+. Primarily the 400mm and 600mm since the 300mm is a VR lens now, which i still sometimes question. I can't really see them upgrading a lot of the wide angle primes, maybe a few like the 50 1.8, and 85 1.8, if anything as these can go for as much or more than the price of a new D40.

AF-S is nice in the telephotos as they are used for sports, bird watching, etc and fast focus is needed. Where as many wide angles are used in landscapes and portrait. I know the 85 is used in sports as well so it could possibly be updated.

As for when it is anyones guess. Just like when are they going to announce the D2Hs and D2Xs successors. I'd say the new telephotos will be around the time of the new cameras.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
I'd like to see the lower primes (35, 50, 85) updated to AF-S - the manual focus override is really handy. As long as they don't use the lower-cost version from their 18-55 lens, which doesn't allow the manual override.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 14, 2006
Yes, I have considered the 50mm f/1.4, but for being twice as expensive and the fact that I am only an amateur (heavily emphasize amateur), I just would just not get the correct use out of it.


macrumors regular
Jun 30, 2006
If the Nikon's current prime lenses are not going to autofocus on your camera anyway, couldn't you just buy a used, old manual focus prime? They're certainly cheaper. The resale price of a 20-year-old lens is also not going to drop down as fast as that of a brand new lens, so you could sell it for almost the same price if new primes with af motors were released.

Edit: Oh wait. Does Nikon still disallow the use of light metering when using old lenses with their consumer DSLRs? If so, you probably wouldn't want to buy an old MF lense...


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I want to see their lower primes get updated soon. I'm talking about the 28 mm, 35 mm, 50 mm f/1.8 and f/1.4. I want a 28 mm f/1.8 or f/1.4, and I don't want them to be DX. Even if the 28 mm was an f/1.8 lens, it's better than a Sigma 30 mm f/1.4 because I'm certain I'd keep the Nikon forever. If they don't update their wide-angle primes this year, I guess I'll just get the Sigma 30 mm f/1.4.

The prime telephotos will be updated when the new D3 line rolls out.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 14, 2006
Have you considered this?

it's not too expensive and it will autofocus on your d40.

Yes, I have considered that and if I decide that I absolutely need autofocus, then I might settle for it. However, it is almost 4 times as expensive as the Nikon 50mm f/1.8 and I do not think I need AF that badly. I do like the focal length though and also plan on getting Nikon's 35mm prime, or maybe that in the future...

Edit: I will also be getting a new body eventually, so this whole not able to autofocus will not be a problem forever...


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 14, 2006
^^ But it's not 4x more expensive than Nikon's 50 mm f/1.4, which would be a fairer comparison. ;)

Correct, but as I stated above, I do not need f/1.4 because I would not get the correct use out of it. The reason I liked the 50mm f/1.8 is because it is a great lens for an incredible price. With my experience and the fact that photography is merely a hobby for me, the 1.4 would not be worth it...:)

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
How about Nikon's excellent 35mm f/2? Gives you speed, portability in a small lens which fits very nicely on the D40, and excellent IQ. Yes, you'll have to manually focus it, but it isn't all that difficult with that particular lens because of the f/2 and the relative wideness of it. This lens gives you the equivalent of a 50mm on a 35mm SLR (due to the 1.5x "crop factor.")


macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 14, 2006
How about Nikon's excellent 35mm f/2? Gives you speed, portability in a small lens which fits very nicely on the D40, and excellent IQ. Yes, you'll have to manually focus it, but it isn't all that difficult with that particular lens because of the f/2 and the relative wideness of it. This lens gives you the equivalent of a 50mm on a 35mm SLR (due to the 1.5x "crop factor.")

Yes, I also want that lens and will end up with both that and the 50mm sometime. I need to decide which lens to get first. Right now I had a little extra money, just enough for the 50mm. However, I had to use that money for other things just recently so now I am reconsidering which lens to get first...I'll probably go for the 35mm because of the crop factor as it would be a better lens to learn with at first. Just have to wait a little while longer now...
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