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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 28, 2004
Bigfork, MT

I recently bought a D300 Nikon. I want to use the NEF(RAW) capabilities. I have Photoshop CS2 and the free-ware "Nikon Transfer". CS2 has no RAW conversion capability but I can convert using the Nikon Transfer software.

I understand that Nikon Transfer converts as Nikon CaptureNX2(same conversion program), you just don't have the fine tuning, editing, ability as NX2.

My question. If I use the Nikon Transfer software to make the conversion, can I then import the image to CS2 and make all further image editing?

I'm under the impression that the image has to be converted(to .jpg or .tiff) then it can be edited by CS2? In this sense, Capture NX2 would do me no benefit over Nikon Transfer for conversion purposes if I were to follow with CS2 editing?

I own CS2 and want to use it. I understand the CS3 RAW converter is not as good as Nikon Transfer or NX2. Can I convert in Nikon Transfer, import to CS2 for editing and get optimal results? If not, how? :confused:

Thanks for any comments/suggestions...:D


macrumors 6502a
May 5, 2007
That is really irritating. I just checked the Adobe website and the last version of camera RAW that they say you can use is 3.7, D300 support came in at 4.3.1.

I guess you won't be able to do much with transfer and it will drive you mental, so you can do work on a .tiff, you just won't have the same margins to work with - you won't be able to do so much with regards to exposure, for example but you will still be able to make meaningful changes to colour etc.

One thing I might try, just on the off chance that it does something, is to convert them to DNG with the latest version of Adobe's DNG convertor, then try and import them using camera raw 3.7 to CS3. I wouldn't be surprised if by using some combination of this and perhaps some EXIF jiggery-pokery it might be possible to get them in there. But I am speculating.


I recently bought a D300 Nikon. I want to use the NEF(RAW) capabilities. I have Photoshop CS2 and the free-ware "Nikon Transfer". CS2 has no RAW conversion capability but I can convert using the Nikon Transfer software.

I understand that Nikon Transfer converts as Nikon CaptureNX2(same conversion program), you just don't have the fine tuning, editing, ability as NX2.

My question. If I use the Nikon Transfer software to make the conversion, can I then import the image to CS2 and make all further image editing?

I'm under the impression that the image has to be converted(to .jpg or .tiff) then it can be edited by CS2? In this sense, Capture NX2 would do me no benefit over Nikon Transfer for conversion purposes if I were to follow with CS2 editing?

I own CS2 and want to use it. I understand the CS3 RAW converter is not as good as Nikon Transfer or NX2. Can I convert in Nikon Transfer, import to CS2 for editing and get optimal results? If not, how? :confused:

Thanks for any comments/suggestions...:D


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 28, 2004
Bigfork, MT
leighonigar, thanks for your reply,

Think I'll just use the Nikon transfer freeware for now and make the more minimal editing. I doubt I'll get to far trying to manipulate the EXIF to import a RAW file. It's creeping up on me, I'll probably end up having to upgrade to Leopard then CS4, then no RAW problems. It's just depressing, OS 10.3.9 totally optimized-running fast & great, same with CS2, never a reason in the world to dump them except for these unfounded pressures....


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
My question. If I use the Nikon Transfer software to make the conversion, can I then import the image to CS2 and make all further image editing?

Yes, you can- exporting to TIFF is your best bet, as JPEG is lossy and if you do multiple edits, you'll lose data. You can also use RPP as your raw processor if you'd like adjustments in a free raw processor (


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Give Adobe some credit. CS2 was written before the D300 was released. Adobe was zero interest in adding new features to old versions of it's software. CS4 is about to be released. Get that. If the $200 upgrade cost is to high then get Photoshop Elements for $80. It comes with a new version of Camera RAW but CS3 is really a good upgrade to get if you have an Intel Mac.

Or you can just use the Apple software you already have. I think Preview will open NEF files and then you can save the image as TIFF. Preview allows for some moderate amount of adjustments.

If you use iPhoto, I'm pretty sure it will convert to JPG when it transfers the image to Photoshop but if you use Aperture then you can specify what format is used. It can be PSD or TIFF. A 16-bit PSD would be ideal. You can try out Aperture for 30 Days for free.

There is also a very good free option. Check out "dcraw". It is one of the best performing raw converters. Use it to create 16-bit tiff files. It can be made to do batch conversion of hundreds of NEF files.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2014
Earth (usually)
Any reason to restart a 7 year old thread?
Aw, lets not exaggerate. It won't be 7 years old for more than 2 months right now.

Seriously, it may have come up in a search or in the "similar threads" at the bottom of the page. I have almost responded to a couple of questions because of that. Is there a way to time restrict that list at the bottom?


macrumors 68040
Feb 14, 2007
Now you can use Capture NX-D which I believe is free and does a very good job converting raw photos to tiff, jpeg etc
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