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"The camera will meter even with non-AI lenses down to full aperture"

If they can pull this off, I might actually be interested, if it is not too heinously expensive. I've got several of these lenses for my F and F2.
Interesting that there is no video. I don't do videos myself (don't have the mindset for it), but lacking video is practically unheard of anymore. Should be an interesting camera.
The lack of video is pretty odd, if true. Even Leica put it into the latest M. Old Nikon lenses are already popular with videographers. Excluding video functionality from their first compact full frame digital camera would be a foolish move by Nikon.
I've been following this rumour for a couple of days. It's certainly a camera I'm interested in seeing, based in what has been leaked so far. Interesting that many commenters are comparing it to a D700 replacement, which is fine by me as a D700 user. The rumours are quite fluid atm, but certainly something that could be very interesting.


The lack of video is pretty odd, if true. Even Leica put it into the latest M. Old Nikon lenses are already popular with videographers. Excluding video functionality from their first compact full frame digital camera would be a foolish move by Nikon.

Atm it's not clear whether video will be in or out. One of the more recent rumours includes the possibility of high and low power modes. Low power being stills only, no LCD etc. High power being LCD and activation of video capabilities.

I seem to remember when Leica was releasing their current M model, the inclusion of video was dealt with by the fact that the processor had video capabilities anyway, so disabling this capability would be simply removing something the processor already had, leaving it enabled didn't increase costs. I guess whatever processor this new Nikon will have will be similar in that it comes with video and hence Nikon will probably leave it enabled in one way or another.
The lack of video is pretty odd, if true. Even Leica put it into the latest M. Old Nikon lenses are already popular with videographers. Excluding video functionality from their first compact full frame digital camera would be a foolish move by Nikon.

Why does Nikon need to provide video capability to people who already have video cameras? Clearly Nikon is looking at the reception that Fuji and Olympus are getting with their retro models, and want a piece of that. And since Nikon used to build their stuff to last forever, there's a lot of legacy gear around.
So Todays rumour is that the new Nikon full frame will be called the "DF"
and look like this.

from this distance that does look like a old SLR.
So Todays rumour is that the new Nikon full frame will be called the "DF"
and look like this.

from this distance that does look like a old SLR.

I love when people use such over processed fuzzy photos to prove rumours :)

Then again, if it does come with a personal assistant in a trench coat as shown, I might have to consider it ;)
Why does Nikon need to provide video capability to people who already have video cameras? Clearly Nikon is looking at the reception that Fuji and Olympus are getting with their retro models, and want a piece of that. And since Nikon used to build their stuff to last forever, there's a lot of legacy gear around.

Both Fuji and Olympus have had video in their retro models from the start (X100 and E-P1, respectively). Having retro styling doesn't necessitate eschewing technological innovation (e.g. hybrid viewfinder, 5-axis stabilization). Nikon's full frame sensors are capable of video capture, so not including it would be disabling a feature that is standard even in entry-level cameras across brands. If living in the past is such a priority, why not ditch the LCD screen as well?

Moreover, full frame video capture in a consumer product (i.e. one that costs less than a RED camera) is a relatively new market, and options have been limited to heavy camera bodies (e.g. D800, 5D). "People who already have video cameras" have been desiring quality video capture in a small body for quite a while, hence the popularity of Panasonic's GH series and the hype over BlackMagic's offerings (not to mention the 5D itself, which is small compared to pro video cameras). Sony's new A7/A7R and this new Nikon represent the first compact full frame digital cameras (at non-Leica prices). Sony doesn't shy away from incorporating video features (the A7/A7R both have 24p and uncompressed HDMI out), and for Nikon to do so would actively forfeit a growing market segment.

I seem to remember when Leica was releasing their current M model, the inclusion of video was dealt with by the fact that the processor had video capabilities anyway, so disabling this capability would be simply removing something the processor already had, leaving it enabled didn't increase costs.


"The camera will meter even with non-AI lenses down to full aperture"..

I think all of Nikon's higher model dSLRs can use the old lenses. My D200 can meter in every mode with AI lens. For non-au they would only have to add the old rabbit ear coupler.

The photo does show a man with an SLR using a manual focus lens. But what is "retro" about the camera. Squared off rather then rounded corners?
I did many many years of my best work with Nikon FM, FM2 and FE and FE2. It would be a kick to have a simple digital counterpart. However, I wouldn't consider 3000 grand as a reasonable cost to play with this "toy."

Fuji X-E1, 35mm 1.4, 18-55mm, 55-200mm are in my bag and that is a nice combo of retro and excellent image capability both raw and jpeg.
Nikon really doensn't udnerstand what their main problem is if they are going to release this. Hint: It's not about being retro.
I think all of Nikon's higher model dSLRs can use the old lenses. My D200 can meter in every mode with AI lens. For non-au they would only have to add the old rabbit ear coupler.

Well, yes, exactly, all the digital cameras rely on the AI ring for metering, which the original F lenses didn't have. It will be interesting to see if they add a mechanical coupler or try to do it some other way (software emulation?).
The lack of video is pretty odd, if true. Even Leica put it into the latest M. Old Nikon lenses are already popular with videographers. Excluding video functionality from their first compact full frame digital camera would be a foolish move by Nikon.

I'm not in the market for a new camera, but if I was, I couldn't care less about video. Especially if the camera was less expensive than similar cameras with video.
I'm not in the market for a new camera, but if I was, I couldn't care less about video. Especially if the camera was less expensive than similar cameras with video.

That's you. You represent one demographic: photographers who aren't interested in video. Other potential customers want both photo and video capabilities.
Is there a lack of choices in the marketplace for this? Does the fact that some people want both mean that every camera has to offer it?

I don't really understand this mentality. If I understand correctly, CMOS sensors come with video, there's no choice in this, this is the way Leica presented the addition of video in their most recent M camera. However, there is choice in whether the owner uses the video capability. Isn't it like this with almost everything we buy? Do you use every capability and function of OS X? Do you use every function of your iPhone or iPad? Do you use every feature of your Blu Ray player? I'm guessing probably not. Likewise, just don't use the video capability if you don't want it. The sensor comes with it, so the manufacturers just leave it enabled.
NIkon rumors is now saying the Df will officially be announced on Nov 5th.

Then we can argue about the real specs, rather than the rumoured ones.;)

Can't wait ;)

Until then...

Is there a lack of choices in the marketplace for this? Does the fact that some people want both mean that every camera has to offer it?

Actually, there is a lack of choices in the marketplace for this product category, on several fronts. Not all video cameras are the same, just as not all photographic cameras are the same. Otherwise, you should just ditch your Mamiya/Fuji for an iPhone; they're basically the same thing.
Do you use every capability and function of OS X?

No, but I haven't upgraded past 10.6, either. Everything that's come after has been just been feature bloat I don't need. Just because manufacturers think feature bloat is a good thing doesn't mean I have to like it.
Nikon really doensn't udnerstand what their main problem is if they are going to release this. Hint: It's not about being retro.
Bingo, that's exactly what I thought.
It's very, very likely that when my D7000 fails (a camera I've been perfectly happy with), I'll go to Fuji's X-mount system. I already have a X100s and I love that thing.
Bingo, that's exactly what I thought.
It's very, very likely that when my D7000 fails (a camera I've been perfectly happy with), I'll go to Fuji's X-mount system. I already have a X100s and I love that thing.

I'm waiting on the X-Pro 2 and the 23mm and 56mm lenses to be released myself. I love my D800 and this insane IQ, but damn it's big. Especially when I'm out doing street photography. Probably not a good idea to use a $3k camera with a $900 35mm Sigma for street photography, but I do love it's IQ. If I can get the same IQ from Fuji in a smaller and lighter package, then it's a done deal.
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