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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 25, 2002
in transit
I found an old Nikon Series E 50mm 1.8 prime in the attic in my house.

It was in a case, sealed airtight and I looked through it and there didn't seem to be any mold or smears on the glass.

Are there any Nikon digital bodies that this lens might work on?

I've been trying to figure it out, and I think the D80 and up might be able to support it, but I'm not sure. Is the Series E lens even the F-mount?


macrumors 68000
May 26, 2006
Series E lenses are Nikon F-Mount Ai-S spec lenses. They were just a 'consumer-grade' series and thus were not given the 'nikkor' branding.

Many of them are very good and useful even today both as cheap but good lenses to use for normal photography or for certain unconventional types (e.g. UV/IR)

Being non-CPU Ai-S lenses they will mount on all Nikon DSLRs, but will center weight/spot meter on the D1/D1H/D1X, matrix/center/spot meter (if non-CPU lens data is entered, aperture/ f.l. data will be recorded, as well as enabling matrix) on the D2H(s), D2X(s) and D200.

On the D80, D70, D50, D40/D40x, and D100, they will not meter, but will mount and can be used in Manual mode. I used manual focus nikkors on my D70 for over a year like this. You will need to use an external meter, a good eye, a reference shot, trial and error, or histogram reading to meter with the lens on these bodies.
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