Does your app check the count of unfinishedNodes as a condition of whether to call nextNode? Or is unfinishedNodes being empty a result of the same condition which is also supposed to cause nextNode to not be called?
My own app which I'm developing sometimes does things it's "not supposed to do" but it's up to me to figure out why and put a stop to it.
In this line:
currentNode = [[self info] nextNode];
Is currentNode assigned a value by any other means than the method you posted?
Is currentNode found to be nil right away after your method is called, or later on after the program does some other things?
After the method is called.
I just noticed this. Didn't realize before that this was a property. Did you manually declare a variable to back it up or are you letting Xcode do it automatically?
I let Xcode do it automatically. Would you mind posting the declaration of this property and the declaration of any variables that back it and any @synthesize statements associated with it?
I wouldn't.
Also, when you find that currentNode is nil, are you accessing through the property or are you accessing the variable directly?
I guess I'm accessing the variable directly.
If you are implementing the getter and setter methods yourself, can you post those too?
Is currentNode always nil, or just sometimes?