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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 29, 2007
Pensacola, FL
I read the article about the new Tintype keyboard on the front page of MacRumors yesterday and it sounded intriguing and fun, so I bought it. I'm now having second thoughts. I have spent so much time trying to get it down and understand how to use the features, but it's not going well. Their should be a "quick start" guide as I find the built in tutorial poorly implemented.

Is there anyone here that can type anywhere close to the 100 words per minute that are referenced? At this point I'm typing faster on the stock Apple keyboard. I'm going back to Swype until there is either good documentation or the app works better. I'm also considering asking Apple for a refund as I'm frustrated and not pleased with my purchase. A keyboard just shouldn't be so difficult to learn.
I've been forcing myself to use it. There is a learning curve as was stated in the review article. I'm still learning, but this is the first keyboard that I feel was built for touch screen typing. Accessing punctuation is far easier on this keyboard than the rest of them.

You already spent the money, so I think you should stick with it. You've been two finger typing your own way for a long time, so you cannot expect to master a completely foreign system over night.

Good luck!
I've always been a one finger texter and swyping with a single finger for me feels quite natural. I think once better documentation or a quality YouTube video comes out I'll give NinType another try.
The tutorial video isn't great, but I also think the issue is that this method is definitely unique, so there is a decent learning curve. That being said, as I use it, it starting to feel very natural! I was a two finger touch typper, so I'm really enjoying the two finger the swipes!
I'm having trouble getting it down too, but I seem too be getting better. As a swype keyboard I find it to be much better than the other ones. The shortcuts and quick keys are much better so I still find it worth the money.

I think the biggest thing is not thinking about what you're typing so much. I also prefer not having the auto spacing.
You can turn the auto spacing feature on, but that would kill a lot of the functionality of the keyboard. I'm getting better with it by the day. I still think people should give it some time. It really grows on you when you give it a chance. I think people wound be easier on this keyboard if it were "freemium," and I definitely think people would give it a shot if there were a smaller learning curve.

If you already bought it, I think you should give it some practice time every day.
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