nMP 2013: 6 month old machine that has run flawless so far. Out of the blue it wouldn't come back on when trying to wake it from sleep. After power-cycling I could not get it to even play the start chime and after a bit of panic realised there was a slowly blinking red LED inside the case. Googled a bit and found the tip to reset the SMC - which brought it back to life! F*ck yes!
Question is what is screwing with the SMC that would cause such an issue - and are there any hints in the log files to diagnose what went wrong and in the future spot issues early and prevent it from doing that (to my heart rate)?
Question is what is screwing with the SMC that would cause such an issue - and are there any hints in the log files to diagnose what went wrong and in the future spot issues early and prevent it from doing that (to my heart rate)?