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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 23, 2014
Columbus, Ohio
My iMac is stable on Mojave 10.14.6, but Apple Pay has never worked. I have no trouble using Apple Pay from my iPhone Xs (iOS 13.1), a 2018 iPad, or my Apple watch. But on the iMac it always errors out stating that it cannot find my iPhone even though it's sitting within 10cm of the iMac, on the same WiFi network, and with BT enabled on both devices. It has never succeeded once, not even when I temporarily connect the iPhone to the iMac by BT.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 23, 2014
Columbus, Ohio
Oh, yes, BT works flawlessly for mouse, trackpad, and keyboard. Even Handoff works between my iMac and my iPhone XS. If I sit down at the Mac with Messages open on the iPhone, Handoff allows me to pick up the thread on the iMac. But Apple Pay can't find it, ever.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2017

In Safari preferences, make sure that bottom checkbox is ticked. I figure it probably is for you, but I'm just going through everything it could possibly be.

Some other problems can be fixed by doing the following:
1) Restart your iPhone and try again.
2) Right click the Safari icon in the dock and quit Safari. Delete ~/Library/Preferences/, then relaunch Safari and try again. The Safari property list will be automatically recreated.
3) Remove the card associated with Apple Pay, and then add it back again. Verify that every bit of information in the Wallet app is correct and entered. Sometimes missing a single field here can cause Apple Pay not to work.

If you've exhausted that list, your guess is as good as mine.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 23, 2014
Columbus, Ohio
Thanks very!

This problem has been ongoing ever since Apple Pay was introduced, so I had already restarted the iPhone, and I had removed and added back the credit cards in Apple Pay along the way.

I most certainly have the "Allow websites to check for Apple Pay" enabled in Preferences.
What I haven't done is to delete the .plist. I just checked that, and I found not one, but TWO files differing in the alphanumeric characters that were appended to the the ".plist" extension. I deleted both. NOW, I have to find a site that offers Apple Pay to test this.

Interestingly, I've had an ongong problem with Finder in which, after the machine has been booted for a while, there will be 2 or 3 Finder windows open, but I can launch none of them by clicking on Dock's Finder icon or even by right-clicking that icon and selecting one. The solution to that very old prolblem came when I discovered that there were THREE .plist files for Finder. That was the ONLY problem with Finder, and deleting the preference list files cured it. I'm therefore optimistic about your suggestion working for this Apple Pay problem. I'll post a follow-up when I get a chance to check it out.
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