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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 24, 2012
I have a 2012 Macbook Pro with a Micron 512 SSD and running High Sierra that works fine but will not chime. Everywhere I look online the "No chime" conversations are always accompanied with startup issues or the elementary issue of no knowing how to operate the sound preference pane. Neither of these are my issue.
The computer starts normally, just No chime.
Pram and smc reset do not help nor does disc repair.

I buy and sell Macbook Pros and use them extensively before selling them as I warranty and repair them as needed. Have been doing this for years and never seen this issue. I have seen some occasional strange boot behavior. Once in a great while the boot process will exhibit some aberrant behavior. One time it booted to the desktop and then returned to the Apple and progress bar before returning to the desktop. This was an isolated incident and almost always it boots properly. I just mention this as I wonder if the chime issue might be the harbinger of a GPU issue which is (as you veteran repair people know) the almost singular problem with Apple laptops.


macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2017
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Is this a 15" MBP? I don't think a gpu problem was very common with the 13" Intel video.

I had a 13" early 2011 that would not chime but always booted properly. Everything associated with sound worked perfectly, it just never chimed. This happens with Lion, Sierra, and High Sierra.

Have you tried different OS versions?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Try this (no promises)

Download OnyX (free)

Launch OnyX and get it going.

Click "parameters".

Click "login"

Down towards the bottom, there is an option to turn on or turn off the startup sound.

Select "Turn on".

Close OnyX and reboot.
Any better?


macrumors G4
Sep 6, 2002
I think you can turn the startup chime on and off in software. I'm running High Sierra and in Onyx > Parameters > Login there are buttons to turn the startup sound off and on.
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