My friend has been trying to jailbreak his iphone 3g 16gb 2.2 for sometime now, and it successfully jailbreaks but cydia and installer dont appear on his phone? what is the problem here? any help
My friend has been trying to jailbreak his iphone 3g 16gb 2.2 for sometime now, and it successfully jailbreaks but cydia and installer dont appear on his phone? what is the problem here? any help
Seriously though...What is he using to Jailbreak. You have to remember to tell QuickPwn to add Cydia and Installer when you're in the Jailbreak process. Also, how do you know the phone is Jailbroken successfully?
sorry i ment 2.1.
well he said that he did tick the boxes, and when it completes and restarts it comes up with the "pwnapple" instead of the apple logo, but there is no cydia and installer.
He is using quickpwn.