I had a bunch of people over to watch some movies and I could not get any sound out of the spdif connection. I have and 8 Core Mac Pro with the digital out connected to my home theater. I use either xmbc, or vlc to play back my .mkv files apple dvd player for dvd's. I have been doing this for about 8 months and I have hd no issue getting 5.1 from the dvd player. It took me a while to figure out how to get 5.1 from xmbc and vlc but I was eventually able to do it. I was have been using snow leopard since it first came out. Well yesterday I updated to 10.6.3. I had no issues getting audio out lof the line level but when I select the spdif I get nothing from the dvd player, xmbc or vlc. I have found that when I go into the prefs and select digital out, then go into xmbc or vlc then go back to prefs in sometimes jumps back to the line level output. I have checked the prefs audio settings for xmbc and vlc and they are all set correctly but I still get no sound. Does anyone have any advice? I eve tried swapping out my spdif cable with no luck. Can anyone help me