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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 10, 2010
I am a bit peeved with Apple right now! I bought my new Macbook Air on 6th July expecting to get the free upgrade. I had to wait two and a half weeks for it to be delivered to me - it arrived end of last week. I'm annoyed that this means I won't be getting a free upgrade.
I am a bit peeved with Apple right now! I bought my new Macbook Air on 6th July expecting to get the free upgrade. I had to wait two and a half weeks for it to be delivered to me - it arrived end of last week. I'm annoyed that this means I won't be getting a free upgrade.
Why do you think you're not getting a free upgrade, when it states clearly that you will?

Apple - See if you qualify for a free OS X Mountain Lion upgrade.
The OS X Mountain Lion Up-to-Date upgrade will be available at no additional charge from the Mac App Store to all customers who purchase a qualifying new Mac system from Apple or an Apple Authorized Reseller on or after June 11, 2012.

Customers who purchase a qualifying Mac between June 11, 2012 and the date when Mountain Lion is available in the Mac App Store will have 30 days from the date Mountain Lion becomes available to make their Up-To-Date request.
Why do you think you're not going to get the free upgrade? I was under the impression that any Mac purchased after Apple's keynote about ML, back in June, would get the upgrade.

edit: Damn, GGJ is too fast.
Me thinks he didn't read ANYTHING Apple have stated about the upgrade path for new machines brought recently....:rolleyes:
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