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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 22, 2008
Bay Area
I was looking at a few games in the app store. I noticed there's no longer any way to select the specific subcategories, or genres, of games. For example, I love strategy games. However, there is no longer any way to view *just* the strategy games. I would now have to click on every game, one by one, to discover it's genre.

What's up? This makes it impossible to browse games in the app store in iTunes! There's no way I'm sifting through 600 pages of games.
Either way the way they'd implemented drop downs and horizontal scroll is lame. 1990 called and they'd like their design ideas back.
I can't see them in the UK store either.

However, they are still there in the App store on the iPhone itself, so I would presume at some point they may return to iTunes 9
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