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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 17, 2018
Gdańsk, Poland

When I take a screenshot then there is no option to share it via Facebook Messenger app. I can share it for example on Pinterest, but If I would like to share it via Messenger then I need to save screenshot in Photo app and after that share it via messenger.

How to restore Messenger direct share option? I cannot find it when trying to add.

Tried reinstall also but with no luck.

Using iOS 14.2.

Could you help me?



macrumors member
May 15, 2019
I too had this but with WhatsApp. It totally disappeared and wasnt even an option to add it in the “more” section on the far right but today it’s returned??

try restarting your phone? That’s what I did yesterday for a reason different to this which may have unknowingly fixed it.
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